The Birthday

Oct 07, 2005 04:58

revolutions around the sun
by omi

Another birthday, another city.

Tezuka stood alone at the window of his hotel room. Truth be told, he would have forgotten all about it, except some fans had mobbed the hotel lobby. Also, he got a cake and flowers from his agent and the tournament organizers earlier that day.

He never did understand what all the fuss was about. A year older. Another pass around the sun. A step closer to the slow but sure decline of the body, where reflexes slowed and steps stumble and nothing, nothing, performs as expected.

He is used to pushing his physical capabilities to the very extreme. As long as he did his best, and never gave up, his body would oblige.

At least, it used to.

Now... Tezuka looked bitterly at his calloused hands. It would only get worse from here.

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