Title: Right Back In the Water
Chapters: Short-fic (334 words)
fkmenicucciBand: Dir en grey
Pairings: Die x Shinya
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Fanwork meant for entertainment only... I don't own anyone.
Synopsis: I could tell by the look in his eyes, maybe I’m just another one of his lies...
Right Back In the Water
I could tell by the look in his eyes, maybe I’m just another one of his lies...
I sit on the couch observing you closely. You’re standing in the balcony, red hair cascading down your back, one hand in your pocket, the other holding a cigarette; smoke spiraling and winding until fading in the cold night air.
I guess you can feel my gaze on you because minutes later you turn around facing me, a smile adorning your pretty face.
But the smile is empty. It no longer carries the warmth I loved to feel spread through my body when we kissed.
It’s empty just like your eyes; chocolate ponds once full of love, now just two brown orbs looking at me almost indifferently.
“Nothing is wrong… I already told you…”
Lies… You just keep lying.
The notion of saying goodbye breaks my heart and tears me up inside…
My eyes now filled with unshed tears.
I just don’t understand how we reached this point. Where did we take the wrong turn?
I swear I thought of leaving so many times now, but I can’t, because every piece of my crumbled heart still loves you; somehow it knows you still need it.
You’re standing in front of me now, cigarette discarded in the ashtray. Your fingers entwined with mine.
“It’s just a phase. We’ll be ok, I swear…”
You sigh and embrace me in a hug, the so familiar smell of smoke and cologne lingering in your clothes.
I hold you close like I’ve been doing since day one. But in the past few months this single gesture became desperate, needy, always afraid that if I let go, you’ll walk out the door to never come back.
Yes, we’ll be ok even if that means going our separate ways.
You kiss my forehead letting your lips wander until reaching mine, kissing me gently.
“Let’s go to bed. It’s already late.”
I nod, following you down the hallway.
We're right back in the water…
Based on the song "Right Back In the Water" by Jesse mcCartney (yeah, yeah, I know! xD But I like him =X).
I was with the song stuck in my head and needed to write this.
Not my best fanfic, but I guess is a nice piece of work.
I hope you guys like it!
C&C are always very much appreciated!
Thanks for reading!