Oct 06, 2006 01:25
And Ill Have Two Sixer's Down, And Two More TO Go, Ill Be Danceing And Laughing.
i hate living in such a spread out state =(.
i met an awesome girl, she's in to film like me, she's into vampire's like iam, and a bunch of other shit, but she lives in fucking kittery. THATS SO FAR!
she said she's up this way monthly though, because she's originally from hampden. =/ got me hopes up for a second though.
otherwise, nothing new except the lack of people to buy from =(.
also i dont have to be to school till 11, im gunna get fairly fried for it.
and i only made $64.64 and thats my acctual check, haha, and its so little money it sucks.
:jake christ:
:hey hey johnny boy, the battle calls, united we stand, divided we fall, togeather we are what we cant be alone: