with life. 100%. done done done done done. i don't want to be here anymore.
As of today, I am declaring that my life suuuuuuucks and needs to change. (it was actually liiiiiike a month ago.)
(sweet. theres a fucking bullet-button).
- I have 0 friends that I regularly hang out with.
- I have 12 months left on my apartment lease.
- I owe like 5500$ (atleast) on my motorcycle.
- My job suuuucks because it doesn't give me enough hours
- I am a work-a-holic, and I admit it.
- I am single.
- I AM ALWAYS BORED. I want to never be bored, ever.
hopefully i will get a job being a welder's helper or something, maybe on an oil rig or something. that would be sweet.
I am dissatisfied with life. I want to pay off the motorcycle, and then start saving up to move to germany. Hopefully they have jobs for workaholics over there too. I want to have the bike paid off asap. I don't know how much it's going to cost to move overseas though. I wish I had an estimate. oh well.
fuck it. if you're in corpus, lets hang out, unless i actually do get a job that i like and spend 70+hrs/week there.