Oct 21, 2010 13:12
So I guess I haven’t written in a while…
Just a quick little recap on the boys issue…
Greg has a girlfriend now. I don’t care one bit. Guess that tells you something, huh.
Bill has a girlfriend now. I hate being around them together, it makes me want to throw up. Not necessarily because I still like him or anything, I just think I don’t like her… And I guess I just don’t want Bill dating ANYONE right now…
But seriously, I don’t think I like her. She’s pretty much a whore (but I guess that’s why Bill likes her, cuz she’s easy), and she just really likes to bad-mouth people and make fun of them, even after she JUST met them.
Did I mention she’s a whore?
I haven’t talked to Zak in AGES. Apparently he came back to RI for a weekend a few weeks ago and was supposed to go over the guys’ house, but he never did. He teaches at a college in upstate NY, I forget which one. I wish he had facebook or something, so that I could still keep in contact with him. I don’t want him to hate me, or feel embarrassed around me.
Adam… Adam is still flirting with me ALL THE TIME. And then he gets moody when I don’t flirt back.
I feel terrible for his girlfriend. She can’t possibly know how bad he is with me, or else she wouldn’t still be dating him.
The other day, he came into my office and told me had a dream about me, and then laughed and said I didn’t want to know what happened…
And then a few hours later, when Caitlin was here, he came back in and very proudly told her that he had a sex dream about me, with me sitting right there.
I’m pretty sure most people don’t tell the star of those kinds of dreams about their dreams, unless of course they are dating or something.
After he left, Caitlin asked me if I felt violated. I did.
Enough with the boy drama.
So we started the new school year off pretty well, I suppose. I’ve gotten to know most of the new graduate students, and they seem nice. Out of the ones that have offices and stay around, there is one boy and four girls. Paul, Katherine (Katie), Addie, Erin, and Jenna.
Paul and Katie are down the hall, and Addie, Erin, and Jenna share an office in my suite. I haven’t really talked to Paul yet. He pretty much keeps to himself and Katie (I guess since they share an office).
There is already some new office drama to replace the Brooke drama.
I’m not sure if I ever mentioned the Brooke drama or not, so I’ll give a little recap, because that’s always fun…
Brooke went to URI as an undergrad, I had a few classes with her, and I really liked her. She did the Central Falls thing with Mike, Bill, and I.
She is getting a double masters in math and education.
She thinks she is the queen of the education department, and is trying desperately to be so with the math department as well. She used to share an office with Dan. She became a total suck up and learned how to manipulate the teachers pretty well over the first year. Only her Real Analysis professor caught on to her (I know because she, the teacher, talked to Caitlin and Dan about Brooke once, and they told me all about it). So anyway, we had to take our Masters Qualifying Exams over the summer, and you’re supposed to take the test that is written by the teacher who taught your course. Everyone but Bill and I had Real Analysis together, so they had one version of the Qualifier, and Bill and I had another because we had the other Real Analysis teacher (but not at the same time). Brooke was trying to take OUR teacher’s test, because she knew it would be easier. She asked Nancy (the head of the math department) if she could, and apparently Nancy said yes, because Brooke has Nancy wrapped around her little finger.
But then Brooke’s RA teacher found out and was really upset by it. She talked to Nancy and said that if Brooke wasn’t going to take her test, she wasn’t going to write one and everyone could take Professor Lewis’s test.
But then Nancy made Brooke take her own teacher’s test.
Everyone thought Brooke was pretty much being a bitch about it, because its well established you take the test from your own teacher.
Adam was very adamant about it as well, he was furious that Brooke was trying to beat the system.
So anyway… the point is, Adam is trying to do the same thing.
He is taking his Ph. D. Completion Exams soon, and he wants to take the Topology exam with Dr. Kook, even though he had Prof Montgomery. He knows Montgomery will make a harder exam, and Kook is a very generous grader.
Dan, Caitlin, and I are trying to figure out how it’s different from Brooke.
We’ve come up with nothing. We’re pretty sure Nancy will let him, because she is his advisor for the Ph. D. program, and she lets him and Mia get away with anything they want.
And we just learned that not only is he taking his exam with Kook, but all he is really going to do is take our final, and that will be his Ph. D. exam.
In reality, you have to take 10 exams in 2 consecutive school days (so 5 tests each day) for the Ph.D. comps, so having Adam take not only a different teacher’s exam, but not even in those 2 days, is just really not fair. He is getting away with murder, here.
It’s pissing everyone off, but I don’t think anyone has said anything to him about it.
Enough of that.
Nancy is teaching my Graph Theory class.
She is a very busy woman, running the math department and all. So she apparently does not have time to prepare her lectures. It is extremely evident in her class.
None of us really know what’s going on in that class.
If you don’t have time to prepare, you shouldn’t be teaching the course.
Adam is sitting in on the class (to help him study for his comp in the class, he says) and Nancy has had to ask him how to finish proofs at least once a week. He’s getting his Ph. D. in graph theory.
We have homework that is due Oct 26. That is the only homework due date. We’ve been getting them assigned since the beginning, but we’re not handing them in until Tuesday. Then we have a group presentation, and then oral tests, and then the final.
The presentation and oral exam are each worth 10%, the homework is 30%, and the final is 50%. However, the final is just memorizing theorems, proofs, authors, and dates. It’s ridiculous, since she can’t even do her own proofs. And she can’t remember the dates while she’s actually going over the proofs. She’ll tell us like, two classes later, what the dates for those proofs were.
This class is really stressing me out. The homework is from the book, but she says we can’t use anything from the book we didn’t use in class, which is understandable, until you realize that half the homework pretty much has nothing to do with what we learned in class. So we can’t even use the basic theorems about the terms involved in our homework, because we never went over them in class, because she has never even mentioned those terms in class before.
It’s just really frustrating. No one has a clue what is going on. I try to read the book, but it’s just as confusing as her lectures. The book needs more pictures. When you write a book about graph theory, which is a very visual thing, you need pictures to go along with whatever the hell you are talking about.
Okay, I think I’m done now.