May 09, 2007 12:01
I just finished my last exam and ran (well, not really) to this computer lab to brag to you sad suckers who may not be done yet. haHA
oh sweet Jesus the bells of liberty have never tolled so iridescently.
although there is the nagging and ever so prominant feeling that i just failed everything since i spent so long on the exams that i didn't get a chance to double check anything or do any actual studying since other personal matters kept pileing up by the bucket full.
oh man oh man oh man
so little summer so many plans!!!!
i wish i could say that i plan on calling off alot this summer but we all know that's not going to happen, sadly. i already called off for memorial day to go to the beach with my family, then there's getting my wisdom teeth removed and my birthday, so that's already three days, which isn't so bad considering there are about 4 months in the summer so i guess i can call off for another 2 days for a road trip. i just don't want to be thought as expendable or unreliable.
I can't wait to breed my fish! i'll either do it tonight, depending on how awake i feel or tomorrow morning because i have to be able to keep an eye on them. i can wait to watch them grow and sell them and give them away as gifts. if this is successful i'll continue breeding as a fun and profitable hobby!