Dec 25, 2004 16:39
1. What time did you get up? to early
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would
it be? Brandon Boyd
3. Gold or silver? silver
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Closer
5. What is your favorite TV show? none
6. What do you have for breakfast? whatever i can
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? April Marie Domec AKA "The Slut"
8. What/who inspires you? Music/legends
9. What is your middle name? Michael
10. Beach, city or country? Beach/country
11. Favorite flavors of ice cream? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
12. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? butter and parmisian cheese
13. Favorite color? Greenblue :)
14. What kind of car do you drive? A Luxury P.O.S.
15. Favorite sandwich? turkey/chicken wraps
16. What characteristic do you despise? fakeness
17. Favorite flower? not shure what their called
18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would it be? Italy or Spain
19. What color is your bathrobe? flesh color haha
20. Favorite brand of clothing? the ones without a name
21. Where would you like to retire? California
22. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
23. What did you do for your last birthday? went out to eat. took one for the team really did'nt do anything
24. Where were you born? houston (clear lake)
25. Favorite sport to watch? baseball and basketball
26. What fabric detergent do you use? Tide
27. Coke or Pepsi? water
28. Are you a morning person or a night owl? NIGHT!!!!! PLEASE
29. What size shoe do you wear? 8
30. Do you have any pets? Jasmin
31. Favorite Alcoholic Drink? 7 of 7
32. Last book read? ummmmm some art book i'm still reading.
33. Who is your best friend? JAMES and Christy!