Apr 25, 2011 10:27
It would seem that my supervisor Daully is behind on her own work, so I've been given the orders to just hang around the HH office until given instruction otherwise. In this time, I've read two policy and practice manuals from cover to cover, cleaned out my desk, cleaned out my car, activated my work phone, activated my work email, and doodled in my planner on all of the days off we get for holiday (I'm quite proud of my Veteran's Day drawing of soldiers shooting my future Thursday appointments).
My training so far has been mostly office work, checking paperwork for errors and learning how to correctly write things up myself, but I get really excited about the field work. Kevs and Dan have both taken me out once. Working directly with clients is really fun, and I'm still secretly holding out for switching jobs and getting something more hands on. I hear that, because we're expanding, a lot of people have been trading jobs as more people come in. We'll see what happens.