Title: Snatch
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They're not mine. Sadly.
Notes: Many thanks to Kate for the beta job.
Summary: Harry is comatose, Hermione and Ron aren’t much help, and Draco isn’t sure about anything anymore.
Snatch Part One )
Comments 18
“Why are you doing this?” they asked him.
“Because I’m less afraid of you,” he replied in the same blank, level voice.
There are a lot more but I'm at work and don't want to get in trouble! But I am looking forward to the next part!
I am looking forward to reading your works! Though I'm ferently hoping that Harry's not dead, either.. Hopefully, Hermione and Ron will be angry and protective, but not too hateful. I shudder to think that they suddely turn evil and try to kill Draco. o.o
I really loved this, and again, I'm looking forward to more~! ^^
Poor Hermione and Ron, I’m afraid I didn’t make them very nice in this fic. They just couldn’t see why Harry would want anything to do with Draco and they were very bitter about it.
He was looking back at Draco and there was nothing in his eyes other than that mild sort of curiosity and a weariness that seemed somehow permanent. No spark of anger or disgust. No sign at all of the animosity that had been there for nearly as long as Draco had known him. And suddenly Draco realized it just wasn’t there anymore. Somewhere along the way Harry had discarded it and now it was just… gone.
Draco would never have expected to miss it.
But he did.
Like that, that's just perfect.
I'm sort of new to HP fandom--at least to the writing and participating side :) Hope you don't mind that I friended you.
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