Jul 29, 2002 22:55
Heddersanterini: do you have a necktie?
Heddersanterini: this is improtant!
Didnt That Hurt: um
Didnt That Hurt: i might
Didnt That Hurt: somewhere
Didnt That Hurt: why?
Heddersanterini: where it tomorrow dont ask questions!!!!!
Didnt That Hurt: hahahhahahahahah
Didnt That Hurt: word.
Heddersanterini: im not kidding
Didnt That Hurt: fine. ill dress up like im going for an interview
Didnt That Hurt: its all good.
Heddersanterini: no
Heddersanterini: dress normal
Heddersanterini: add the tie
Didnt That Hurt: hahahaha
Didnt That Hurt: what kooky plan you got going down?
Heddersanterini: hey i got alot in my bag of tricks for the kiddies.
Heddersanterini: just trust me on this one.
Didnt That Hurt: um
Didnt That Hurt: ok.
Didnt That Hurt: why i actually trust you
Heddersanterini: haha
Didnt That Hurt: is beyond me
Heddersanterini: hey!
Heddersanterini: thats mean
Didnt That Hurt: hahaha
Heddersanterini: fine dont wear it
Didnt That Hurt: would you trust me?
Didnt That Hurt: hahaha
Heddersanterini: hmm...
Heddersanterini: i dont know.
Didnt That Hurt: im gonna wear it
Didnt That Hurt: hahahah
Heddersanterini: i heard you were talking some smack about me
Didnt That Hurt: but im gonna be cautious
Didnt That Hurt: to who?
Heddersanterini: so i am not sure if i can trust you
Heddersanterini: hey can divulge
Heddersanterini: cant
Heddersanterini: or maybe i am fucking with you.
Didnt That Hurt: probably
Heddersanterini: probably?
Didnt That Hurt: im spin dizzy right now
Didnt That Hurt: i have no clue whats goin on
Didnt That Hurt: hahaha
Heddersanterini: how is that/?
Didnt That Hurt: info overload.
Heddersanterini: are you drunk?
Heddersanterini: oh
Didnt That Hurt: or lack of info overload
Didnt That Hurt: hahaha
Heddersanterini: look just trust me on the tie.
Didnt That Hurt: im trusting.
Heddersanterini: you have no reason not to trust me.
Didnt That Hurt: hahaha except that you wont tell me why
Didnt That Hurt: but whatever
Didnt That Hurt: i like surprises. sometimes
Heddersanterini: i didi the dirty bidding for jamie. so you have to trust me.
Heddersanterini: look its a VERY GOOD SURPRISE>
Heddersanterini: just wear the fucking tie.
Didnt That Hurt: hahahaha
Didnt That Hurt: ill wear the fucking tie
Heddersanterini: remember wear it tomorrow dont ask questions!!!!!
Didnt That Hurt: not gonna.
Didnt That Hurt: ill take your word this time
Heddersanterini: you can thank me later.
Didnt That Hurt: hahaha
Heddersanterini: this time?
Heddersanterini: when have you had a reason not to trust me.
Heddersanterini: ?
Didnt That Hurt: hahahaa
Didnt That Hurt: exactly
Heddersanterini: 'we built this city, we built this city, on rock and rollllllllll'
Didnt That Hurt: thats why im going along with this one
Didnt That Hurt: hahahaha
Heddersanterini: goof stuff.
Heddersanterini: as you should
Heddersanterini: you will thank me later.
Heddersanterini: haha
Heddersanterini: ia m gooooooooooood........
Didnt That Hurt: is jamie sitting behind you laughing at this right now?
Didnt That Hurt: or is she typing this trying to think shes slick?
Heddersanterini: no
Heddersanterini: hahahah
Heddersanterini: no its heather
Heddersanterini: shes at tashanas
Heddersanterini: but, i have to forward this convo to her. she told me to
Didnt That Hurt: hahahaha
Heddersanterini: the necktie was a joint idea.
Didnt That Hurt: i can only imagine
Heddersanterini: most of our ideas are
Heddersanterini: haha
Heddersanterini: we almost always are in cahouts.
Heddersanterini: haha
Heddersanterini: guess what i am doing?
Didnt That Hurt: ?
Heddersanterini: cleaning my room can you believe it? haha
Didnt That Hurt: hahahaha
Heddersanterini: *pats myself on the back*
Heddersanterini: what kind of tie is it?
Heddersanterini: a real one or a clip on?
Didnt That Hurt: a real one
Heddersanterini: oh yes
Heddersanterini: good stuff
Heddersanterini: alright back to cleaning. WEAR THE TIE