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Feb 11, 2011 13:17

Well here's some more lovely pictures of different things from food to statues. Also someone please take my credit card away before I become very very poor, as I may or may not soon own something in this post. Not that I'm admitting to that *shifty eyes*

Louis and Antoinette porcelain dolls.

A closeup of the two of them. I love how pale her skin is, very accurate.

Broach with Antoinette and Therese.

Louis would totally have this portrait on his keys like this. BREECHES Teeheehee

Lid of a box with Antoinette, the three eldest children, and a Louis bust

More neat dolls I found. It totally looks like Louis doll is giving Antoinette doll the eye *snickers*

A jewelry set with the following description on it:

The inscriptions on the backs of these enamelled miniatures identify the portraits as following: on the necklace from left to right, Mme de Parabere (mistress of the Regent, the duc d’Orléans), Princess de Lamballe (Marie Antoinette’s closest friend;), Mme Elizabeth (sister of Louis XVI), Henriette d’Angleterre (sister of Charles 11 of England, wife of the Dauphin, Philippe d’Orléans), Mme Dubarry (mistress of Louis XV from 1769); Marie Antoinette (Queen of France) on the pendant.. The back of the miniature on the clasp is covered but the portrait appears to be that of Mme de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV for twenty years (1744 - 64). On the bracelet, from left to right the portraits are of Mlle de Lavaliere (presumably Louise de la Valiere, mistress of Louis XIV), Marie Antoinette, Marquise de Sévigné (mistress of Louis XIV), Mme de Montespan (also a mistress of Louis X1V). The inscription on the clasp is again covered, but the sitter may be Madame de Maintenon, last mistress of Louis XIV, whom he married in 1685. The earrings have Mme Elizabeth, the Princess de Lamballe, and Marie Antoinette twice; the upper miniature on the right shows her as Archduchesse d’Autriche, before she married Louis XVI.

Another pretty box with a portrait on the lid

The fact that this exists makes me SO giggly. If I could stand a whole game in French I'd get it in a heartbeat.

Louis and Antoinette Christmas ornaments

A little paper doll toy theater

Another Antoinette doll, although this one was made with a Kirsten doll I believe

Closeup of the doll. And OMG those shoes are so gorgeous

Antoinette bento box

Old dolls. Doesn't Louis look uber manly in pink?

Figurines of Louis, and of Antoinette with Charles

And lastly, a dress I have a feeling Louis would totally approve of

louis, family, pictures, children

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