I was going to post this yesterday, but I got my book and squeeing over that won out. So here's the first part of another huge image search for me!
I adore the first one, and I wish I could find it bigger. Also Jason and his dog are adorable, and I strongly suspect Maria-Theresa is reading yet another "No mom I didn't get laid yet, stop asking" letter.
Dear Noailles: STFU and GO AWAY
And this is what they did in bed for the fist seven years
The woman has legs
Girly giggling over the cute Frenchman
The infamous ink blot
Goodbye Chuck, I'm sorry I flicked peas at you during dinner. Be a good dad in law to Therese.
Whaat the...I was sleeping here...
I'm not sure exactly what that expression on her face means. It's kinda like "What is going on here...."
Oooooooh THAT'S what's going on
Wearing dresses that big is tiring!
One of the most awkward conversations EVER. But I love Louis' outfit, the light blue looks good on him.
Louis pay attention for God's sake, this is serious!
Yeeah he's totally looking at her face...yuuuup
She really did depend on Mercy a lot.
Awwwww cuteness
Cutest little girl ever! They make adorable babies.
There's a lot of awesome in this picture. Particularly Louis and his adorkableness.
Trianon collage. And boobage.
And we end with some good old fashioned brother tackling.