Application to badfic_manor

Mar 13, 2011 00:01

OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Meiko

Age: 23

E-Mail//MSN//AIM: E-mail: AIM: hachigetsu

Personal LJ: me1ko

IC Information:

Character Name: Roxanne Ritchi

Character Journal: didlookback

Canon: Megamind

Point in Canon: After the end of the movie

Age: 30

Birthday: Jaunuary 1st, 1980 (headcanon)


Roxanne is a very pretty woman of average height, with big blue eyes and a short pixie-cut brown hair that is parted to the right. Her face is a bit squarish in shape, and she has a smattering of light freckles across her nose and cheeks. She also has a beauty spot a bit under her mouth and to the right. She has an average chest and wide hips, making her body pear shaped in appearance.

Abilities: Even though Roxanne is pretty much a normal human and as such doesn't have any superpowers, she does have good investigative skills because of her job as a reporter. She won't stop until she has the facts, come hell or high water.

Personality: What defines Roxanne is the fact that she is brave. Going into the lair of a super-villain? No problem. That leads into her next defining trait and that is her strong sense of justice. If there is wrongdoing of any kind afoot, she will try to stop it, even when it's clear she's at a disadvantage. She is very strong-minded and she is very determined, so when she decides on doing something, she will do it. However, she isn't reckless, she will call for and accept help if the situation calls for it.

Despite being sarcastic at times, she truly believes in the goodness of people. This is why she is nice to everyone, unless they prove her otherwise and then it depends on the person. She is very honest and one of the things she cares about the most is honesty and, although white lies are fine, she doesn't tolerate big lies. When she is angry, she can get physical, and shove the person away or throw things. But, she is willing to give second chances and it bears saying though, that there are no third chances with her. She is very cares deeply about the people around, and will try to protect them and help when there's trouble.

She is also very smart, and usually figures things out rather quickly. She is very nosy and will try to get to bottom of whatever she is investigating. She can be quite observant but when she is involved with something emotionally, she can sometimes overlook details.


-has a temper
-impulsive sometimes
-a bit naive

Megamind is the super villain of story, and like any good super villain that knows his stuff, he needs a hostage in order to lure the good guy - Metro Man - to fight him. Enter Roxanne Ritchi, the reluctant damsel in distress. Megamind has kidnapped her so many times that she's simply not afraid of him anymore. So, one day, Megamind kidnaps her yet again, Metro Man goes to her rescue yet again, the same predictable routine, right? Wrong.

It turns out Metro Man's weakness was copper as it drains his power, and when Megamind's death ray hits, it kills the hero and Megamind takes over the city. One night, Roxanne goes to the museum dedicated to Metro Man and bumps into the museum's archivist - Bernard. As she attempts to comfort him about the hero's death, she says the heroes can be made she decides to stand up to Megamind. The next day, she finds the villain's secret hideout and goes inside, along with Bernard in order to try and find out the villain's plans for the city and stop them. After standing up to Megamind and escaping the lair, Roxanne becomes impressed with Bernard for being the only other person to stand up to Megamind except Metro Man. She begins seeing him, and they become close, while all the while Roxanne works on deciphering Megamind's plans. One evening, before going on a date with Bernard, Roxanne finally figures out Megamind's plan: to create a hero so that he'll have someone to fight again. And it turns out that the hero - Titan - was actually Roxanne's cameraman, Hal.

When she goes to her date, a very big secret is reveled completely by mistake: "Bernard" was actually Megamind all along. Roxanne, deeply hurt, dumps him in the rain. However, she looks back before she walks away. The next morning, Megamind comes to her apartment and tells her that Titan turned evil and he needs her help. Since Titan has Metro Man's powers, they need clues as to what could be his weakness and since Roxanne knows where Metro Man's hideout is, they decide to cooperate.

After arriving there, the duo finds out that Metro Man is actually alive and well. The truth was that he got tired being a hero and faked his death in order to retire. However, he won't be helping them because he was done being a hero. After that, Megamind lost his will to fight and goes back to prison. But Roxanne goes and tries to reason with Titan and that backfires as Titan ties her to Metro Tower, the tallest building in the city and uses her to lure out Megamind. Roxanne encourages Megamind to not give up as this was his best quality and that she needs his help right now.

Megamind does come to her rescue and saves her, but gets injured in the process. Then Metro Man shows up, saying he never should have left and goes after Titan. The twist is, that it was Minion who was "Megamind", and Roxanne figures out that "Metro Man" was the real Megamind. After Megamind chases Titan off, Roxanne turns off his disguise so that everyone can see who their real hero was. However, Titan comes back and realizes that it was Megamind and not Metro Man because of Megamind's mispronunciation. Roxanne spots Megamind's invisible car, where the one thing that could stop Titan is, and alerts Megamind. He grabs the Defuser gun, but Titan throws him into the air, and it looks like he will fall to his death. Roxanne in the meantime, creeps behind Titan to knock him out with a signpost but abandons that plan and runs when Megamind goes flying and Titan comes after her. She backs into the fountain, with Titan about to kill her, when a dehydrated cub falls in the water and materializes into Megamind, who grabs the gun, and defuses Titan from his powers. The fight is over.

Roxanne forgives Megamind and he becomes Metro City's new hero and they build him a museum. I'm taking her just after the day of the museum's opening.

First Person Sample:
[The feed shows a woman with short brown and blue eyes looking into the camera. She looks to be somewhere outside. Roxanne knows that the only possible explanation to all of this is that she has been kidnapped. Luckily, the unknown kidnapper was dumb enough to leave her a way of calling for help.]

Megamind, I've been kidnapped. I don't know who it was or where I am, but I'm planning on finding out.

What I do know is that whoever kidnapped was dumb enough to not tie me and let me see their hideout.

[The camera moves and shows the manor and then the surroundings before it's on Roxanne's face once again. She knows that what she showed him will be enough for him to locate her.]

Get to work, genius. I'll try and look for more clues in the meantime.

[She smirks as the camera turns off. It's time to put her nosy reporter skills into action.]

Plus, a thread over at dear-mun

Third Person Sample:

She didn't know what made her wake up, she just knew that one moment she was sleeping soundly and that in the next - she was wide awake. As she sat up in her bed, she looked around, and now she was more than just awake, she was surprised. Instead of seeing the red and white walls of her bedroom, and the matching bedcovers, she was looking at a room was definitely not her own. As took in her surroundings, a room with blue walls, and every shade of blue one could think of, her mind started working in high gear. Why would she be in a strange room without her knowing it? The only answer that made sense would be that she was kidnapped. But what kidnapper doesn't tie his victim? Something caught her attention then as she looked up at the pillow. Was that...a blackberry? She cautiously picked it up; ready to drop it at any second should the device turns out to really be a bomb or something worse. But it was just a plain red blackberry. Huh. No ties, a way to call for help...two strikes out of three, unknown villain/s. She got up and went to the door. They wouldn't be dumb enough not to lock her up, if she wasn't tied up, right? As the door opened, she had to correct herself that yes, they were that dumb. Three strikes and you're out, she mentally declared, and so am I.

Links: megamind over at wiki

Notes: just that there will be a bit of headcanon with her, since the movie is the only source we have

Bonus: She's just cool.

application, badfic_manor

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