Jan 26, 2006 17:09
The Application:
City And State:
Sexual Preference:
Why You Want To Be A Part Of This Community: I'm interested in trying dxm but never have. I like reading other people's experience with the drug to further my own knowledge
Why Do You Do DXM: I don't but would like to.
How Often Do You Take DXM: ...
Describe yourself on DXM briefly: ...
What do you think of:
1.) The First Plateau - sounds intriguing and would probably be what I would shoot for most of the time.
2.) The Second Plateau - same.
3.) The Third Plateau - same
4.) The Fourth Platea - sounds a bit frightening and something that should only be attempted by the very experienced and even then not often.
5.) Plateau Sigma - sounds like sheer insanity
Tell us your interests: I like writing bad poetry, reading good poetry, listening to decent music and ranting about things.
List at Least 10 Favorite Bands: the beatles, nirvana, tool, at the drive in, rasputina, the mars volta, neutral milk hotel, bob dylan, radiohead, tom waits
What You Consider Bad Music: A lot of rap, mostly the mainstream stuff. I don't see a reason why country music made after 1960 should exist either.
Political views: I guess left wing on pretty much every issue so..yeah
Five Things You Like:
1) the truth
2) respect that is deserved
3) beat poetry
4) guitars
5) my girlfriend
Five Things You Dislike:
1) philip larkin
2) hypocrites
3) disrespect
4) paranoid conservatives
5) fascistic music industry
Favorite Season And Why: I don't have one. I like every season when it starts and by the middle I can't wait till it ends.
If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would It Be And Why: Probably New York, just because thats where I feel most at home. Maybe somewhere in the city
Who You Are Prejudiced/Racist Against: I tend to assume that all republicans/conservatives/right wingers are evil hypocritical scum but its not always the case
Religious?: I'm not religious. I see its usefulness though
Abortion?: I like Henry Rollins quote that was something like "If I were a woman and you told me I couldn't have an abortion, they'd have to hire a construction team to get my foot out of your ass" So... pro choice.
Opinion On I.V. Druguseage: I.V.? intravenous? (sp?) Scary. Not for me.
Addicts?: You can be addicted to anything, not just a drug. Its more down to how your addiction affects your ability to be happy. My general philosophy of life is you should be allowed to do whatever your nature dictates so long as you don't interfere with everyone else's ability to do the same.
Promote This Community in your journal And Show Us The Link: optional, but please do so
Post a picture of yourself: I don't have the technology. So...don't reject me. Please