1. I showed up for my Poli Sci final today and no one was there. Understandable since the exam was actually on Tuesday and I wrote it wrong on my phone calendar AND on my wall calendar. Fuck my life, so now I'm begging my prof for a rewrite which is a fucking long shot. My dad is probably going to shoot me dead. Well, no he'll be disappointed in me and wonder if he should bother paying my ass through school for something I really want to do next year if I can't even finish this. Ok, I'm thinking in worst case scenarios. Best case scenario, he takes this as a hint that I should probably just drop out of this school and go to Cap in September. That would be rad. Unlikely, but rad.
2. I'm wearing my Pete Wentz jacket, and MAN DO I FEEL LIKE DOUCHE. In a good way though. I feel like when I'm walking around in this jacket, the boys want to be me and the girls want to be with me. Like if this jacket were a world dictator, people would be so down on the whole opression thing. This jacket makes democracy look like a crock of shit. But most of all, I feel like when I'm wearing this jacket, more people around the world get laid just because of the fact I'm wearing it. Like, I'm really doing something for other people by sacrificing my own dignity. So this is for you guys on the internet out there.
3. When I'm a tour manager, I'm going to be as cool as AFI's tour manager and go around the world finding random fans and filming stuff about their lives. I wish someone would come and film me. 'A Day in the Life of CLynn: Avid FOB, Aiden, AFI, MCR, etc Fan'. They should make a TV special about being a professional fan of EVERYONE and have it star me. "So what kind of music do you listen to Lynn?" "Electronic." "Oh, uh..." End scene. Fuck tour managing, I should be a script writer.
4. I don't make any sense. Ever.