Sometimes a band's music can touch you in ways that will change your lives. Sometimes members of a band can teach you valuable lessons about who you want to be in life and how you want to be remembered. That being said, if I ever became as lame and cheesy as Angel from Aiden and his girlfriend, you have full permission to shoot me dead. This is an open letter to anyone working the case of my homicide. This was an assisted suicide. Please lessen charges accordingly.
This has been Angel's twitter today, TODAY!
AngelIbarra: - Rose in my clothes
AngelIbarra: Angel and rose are like penut butter and jelly
AngelIbarra: If rose and angel were a song they would be everlong...fuckin kick ass ha ha
AngelIbarra: Hah rose and I just realized if we were cartoons wed be timon and pumba from lion king .. If timon was a girl hahah hakunah matatah
AngelIbarra: Now I'm sittin at the matador meetin up with austin .. I wish roses meeting went quicker .
I laughed pretty hard at Nick's replies to them, though:
ZombieNicholas: @AngelIbarra I'm getting sick. Please tell me you are joking?
ZombieNicholas: @AngelIbarra Okay we know you are in love but now it's just getting sick! From the kid thy gave me shit. I was never that cheesy. Love you.
ZombieNicholas: If Jake and I where a song it would be lovely lady lumps by the black eye peas! Suck on that on Angel. Show Jake that one.
The things I'm willing to put myself through just for updates on what the band is up to. Jesus.
Oh, BTW I would probably just drop right dead of happiness if this happened.
ZombieNicholas: @jeffreecuntstar that's right you follow me. When are we doing the William Control Jeffree Star tour?