Nov 20, 2009 22:13
Life, life, life.
It just continues to happen. It doesn't stop. Catches me off guard sometimes. I expect everything to pause for me to catch up. Bah. So what's new in my world.
Shows, shows, shows.
This has been the most amazing year for concerts. Recently I saw Aiden again for like the fourth time this year and next year I'll be seeing them again in January but the REAL REAL BIG NEWS IS AFI. Holy crap anyone who knows me knows the magnitude of my love for AFI and I might even get to see them TWICE in January. Maybe maybe. Seriously though, I fucking idolize Davey Havok they have been my favorite band next to FOB for years and years. I'll probably have a mental breakdown at these shows like I did the last time I saw them. LMAO I was in tears the whole time. *blush*
I'm also seeing Die Mannequin on Tuesday which I'm pretty excited for seeing as I've never seen them live before. I love Care Failure. She's such a beautiful train wreck and she just thrashes it live. If you guys haven't heard of Die Mannequin, go look them up. They are like the Canadian, female fronted Nirvana. Ian D'sa (Billy Talent)and Raine Maida (Our Lady Peace) produces some of their music too.
Pain, Pain, Pain.
My shoulder is all fucked up from my car accident in July. I have to start going to physiotherapy since I can hardly move some days. Greeeaat. Because I have time for that/money to front while I wait for ICBC coverage to go through.
Music, music, music.
Could maybe possibly have an oppurtunity to work with Electric Valentine on some promo stuff. A little early to say. It's a bit of a long shot since I'm a country away but hopefully we can work something out. Fingers crossed. It would be kind of a big deal for me.
Love, love, love.
Ok this one is for the girls. How do you tell one of your best friends that she is being ridiculous and needs to let go of something? A friend of mine was recently dumped by her fiance who left her while he thought she might be pregnant to evidently sleep with other women but still sleeps with her and tells her he loves her. Doesn't seem too bad until you get to the part where if they aren't sleeping together he tells her not to text him, call him, comment on his facebook status. He changes all the locks in the house they shared together, he threatens to change his number on her all the time, his friends blantantly and publically talk shit about her and he doesn't do anything to stop it. He uses the idea of them getting back together maybe in the future and holds it over her to keep her sleeping with him. In my opinion this is ABUSE and I've told her this. I've told her he's a loser, he's worthless, etc etc. It is always the same reasoning "I still love him" "I can't help it". I've even told her that she is being weak and asking for the pain he's causing her. I know most would just say to stay out of it but I can't. I'm the person she's always come to for everything. We are very close friends and I would expect her to be there the same way I am for her. I can't just ignore what she's going through or tell her not to tell me about it anymore, but I really don't know what else to say about the situation. I kind of just wish he was dead or moved far away so she would be forced to leave him to live and die alone.
Fuck me, if love is that hard, no wonder I want no part of it. Fuck love.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
Speaking of love, I can't wait until I go to Victoria this weekend. Yeah, that's for you Ashleymo bb. If you don't work the whole goddamn time. You fucking Mexican
electric valentine,
die mannequin,