But I feel urged to post all my favorited tweets, because they make me laugh and I want all of you to laugh and have a nice day.
ShyBoysWin 3 Euros for a medium coffee, that's like $160 right?
ZombieNicholas "Shampoo is better. It goes on first and cleansthe hair! Conditioner is better, it leaves the hair silky and... Stop looking at me swan!"
GabrielSaportaI don't have a penis. I have a fat, flacid dick
mikeyway uncanny!!!
twitpic.com/ebq4g @
sweet_pea00 I think that if it smells like bullshit, and tastes like bullshit, chances are there's a bull plopping a cleaveland steamer on your chest
william_control Well Detroit you were great today. Sorry my voice was so shit. I have no excuse other than im not that great of a singer. Thanx 4 rocking!
mikeyway @
petewentz hahah i'll be the dude blowing on the rape-whistle
petewentz @
mikeyway #myinvisiblebestfriend brad pitt & me are gonna pick u up on our choppers u don't deserve that. Our hair looks awesome in the wind
KxBxBxKahuku RT @
Sofia_60uz: Chuck Norris can tweet 141 characters.
KxBxBxKahuku Chuck Norris let the dogs out, no one dared stop him.
william_control @
Canada_tweets Come on Canada. Let the right one in.
AngelIbarra Apparently I have a proceeding hairline hah every day my hair gets closer to my eyebrows
mikeyway Not gonna lie, this tweet is pretty fuckin haunted
Franklero To the two screaming prick faced toddlers who ruined my viewing of transformers last night, your mother should have sat on a coat hanger. Xo
petewentz Thanks to all my fans that had my fart's backs! I know they aren't as handsome smelling as an r. Patz fart
GabrielSaporta @
petewentz dude, you only dropped into NY for 1 day? you're soooo jet-set! i didn't even get to give you the BFF necklaces i made us
mikeyway the toyota prius is slowly becoming the new state bird of california.
mikeyway Whenever I hear Enya, I have this sudden urge to buy shampoo
ZombieNicholas @
missjeffreestar You should eat my dick for dinner. Miss you homie.
Franklero Ugh ate some old-ass pizza, everything around me has a purple tint. It's making my butthole hurt, my sexy flaming butthole. Pizza rules.
mikeyway Smoking a clove for no good reason. It feels like someone opened a goth club in my mouth.
mikeyway bahhahhahhahahhahahah
twitpic.com/5npfq @
petewentz watching "the view", drinking tea, in black juicy sweats. i dare you to try and out do me.
ZombieNicholas @
AngelIbarra whow whow whow!!!! Don't put zombies and Morons I mean Mormons in the same tweet!
mikeyway Your all collectively my Turbo Lover
GabrielSaporta Genius Words for the Day: It's not gay to get a blowjob from a dude as long as you do it in public
GabrielSaporta Just got back to bus. @
dannytours (our merch guy)told me the great news! He got a blow job tonight! Me: "danny, did you cum a lot?" "yeah!"
britl @
burninggoats twoosh is a tweet that is EXACTLY 140 characters. This tweet wasn't a twoosh, however I added more words to make it one. Beets
petewentz been calling the barf on our bus "wine flu" 4 awhile.feel like they shouldve consulted me on the name. piglets publicists having a tuff week
GabrielSaporta Just got off stage. Told kids @
petewentz started swine flu by flying to mexico and farting in kids' pillows.
MikeSheaAP @
william_control being friends with u is like a form of euthenasia
william_control @
MikeSheaAP the question you should be asking is... how many bodies.
mikeyway http://twitpic.com/393qh - @
petewentz We'll slap this on a dalorean and we are set for Easter II
mikeyway When are dudes gonna stop rocking bike shorts!? This ain't the Marvel Universe and you don't have a sweet ass
mikeyway @
petewentz haha! nermal! Every time Daves about to get laid, Garfield totally blows it for him
petewentz kadavar just said "im an atheist, its a non-prophet organization". thats bumper sticker material.