A photo post with no photo!

Oct 10, 2009 00:42

So I'm in a bit of a quandary right now. Earlier today I was at Abt Electronics playing with the new Sony P&S cameras.  Specifically the DSC-WX1 and DSC-TX1.  There are reviews all over for them, but the main point is this: They have kick-ass performance in low light.  They both have this "Twilight" mode that has nothing to do with sexy vampires.  Rather, it utilizes its super fast 10fps (!) shooting speed to take 6 pictures and average them together to reduce noise.  The results are spectacularly good in terms of luminance and chroma noise for a P&S.

I bought my Lumix LX3 because I wanted a manual control camera and something that was great in low-light.  The LX3 has been eclipsed (no pun intended) by the new Sony cams in the low-light department.  And for manual shots, I use my dslr now.  So I'm thinking of selling my LX3 to fund the purchase of one of these Sony cameras.  Did I mention the Sony cameras are like half the size of the LX3?

The downsides are:
Sony cams have no manual modes or any direct way to control aperture or shutter speed.
Memory Stick instead of SD card.
The LX3 is such a cool iconic photographer's camera. And I'd be selling it for a very mainstream P&S

What to do? Also, I should act soon.  Canon is about to release the S90 which is probably going to outperform the LX3 at what the LX3 does.
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