Sunrise pictures

Jun 19, 2009 11:20

This is somewhat crossposted in the photographers community, but now with more exposition!
So I took some early morning pictures for this month's LJ photo challenge. You can see them below. The first is my actual submission.

This month's photo challenge really challenged me. I knew I wanted to take a picture like this, showing the sunrise through my glasses. But I realized with this composition, it was difficult to get the sun visible through the lenses. I ended up having to shoot this with a telephoto at about 150mm (225mm equivalent) to get the distance I need away from the glasses. Otherwise I won't be able to get a similar enough angle between the single camera lens, both lenses of the glasses, and the sun. I also took another one with my friend Simon. I considered using this as the submission, but I think I like the one of the glasses alone better. Here's that photo too:

I had to do some heavy post processing to remove lens flares for the first picture. I'm not used to having the sun in frame in my shots! Also, the first picture is really a HDR composite picture. I blended together two shots that were about 2 stops apart. And I had to clone out a blurry seagull that flew into the shot. And clone out some sand on the lens. The shoot was rather fast paced because you have so little time before the sun is too high in the sky. If I had to do it over, I'd experiment with my polarizing filter for the water and also try to hit the hyperfocal distance to get the glasses and all the water in focus. But overall I'm pleased with the results.

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