Letzte Instanz - Rapunzel

Dec 27, 2009 23:22

Letzte Instanz - Rapunzel


Ein Fräulein lebte einst allein
In einem Turm voll düsterer Pein
Sie träumte von der fernen Welt
Voll Liebe, Schönheit, Ruhm und Geld

A maiden once lived all alone
In a tower full of dire pain
She dreamed of a world far away
Full of love, beauty, glory and money

Von ihrem Turm sah sie von fern
Den Reiter kommen sie zu freien
Doch was sie nicht sah sein Gesicht
War knochenbleich und widerlich

From her tower, she saw in the distance
The rider come to court her

But what she did not see was his face
Bonelike pale and disgusting

Rapunzel lass dein Haar herab
Hinunter in das Erdengrab
Lass uns erklimmen deinen Turm
Dann bist auch du verloren

Rapunzel let down your hair
Down into the earthy grave
Let us climb your tower
Then even you are doomed

Gehüllt in dichten Nebelrauch
Nimmt so das Schicksal seinen Lauf
Das schöne Kind so jung und rein
Wird bald nicht mehr dasselbe sein

Shrouded in thick fog of smoke
Fate takes its course
The beautiful child so young and pure
Will no longer be the same

Geruch von faulem totem Fleisch
Steigt nun herauf vom Weltenreich
das Fräulein schließt die Augen zu
Stürzt sich herab zur letzten Ruh

Smell of rotten dead flesh
Ascends now from the realm
The maiden closes her eyes
Plunges down to the final rest

Erm yes. This was a project from 1st semester. We had to choose a songtext and draw some illustrations for it.
This song by Letzte Instanz was the first one that crossed my mind because of its narration. And it's so beautifully dark, hr hr
Using mangastyle wasn't allowed -___- and my stupid Rapunzel looks different in every panel orz
The last pages got messier, I'm so damn lazy...
God, inking this was such a pain, fucking spaghetti hair and metal. The black coat turned white, too lazy to correct that ~_~
After turning my room upside down, searching the missing page, I drew it anew -_- gotta clean the mess tomorrow...

mom has no clue..., money, project, merz akademie, artist's lament, dôjinshi, pain

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