wisdom of randolph-ites

Jul 16, 2006 11:30

"Cara what is wrong with you. You are not your normal Cara self. I hope your not doing the same thing Kate is doing, growing up and shit."
-Pat Lonergan


A day at the shore with randolph boys and one of their drunken aunts was just what I needed to boost my self esteem and remind me that certain boys are not worth my time, my thoughts(even if I did think it would be nice to sit on the saNd with them at night) and my energy because they obviously dont give a shit which is stupid because, as the song in the car ride went, "Cara Rocks!(?)".

They also somehow managed to get me to realize how absolutely obsurd going in the water with shorts on over my bathing suit is, a habit of mine for the past, like, 8 years.

Also, I can not seem to get away from certain people. I go all the way to Seaside and I still manage to bump into one of the kids who thinks nothing of me because I am always drunk. He said he was surprised that I was the driver because I am always trashed and starting drama(which was once and he just happened to be there for that). I am friends with mostly boys for a reason, yet its funny how some boys are turning out to be as bad as girls.

Hopefully this will occur again next weekend, minus the "stupid people" encounters, cuz I have a feeling that after this week I will need yet another self esteem booster, although I hope not.
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