Hi alls!!! :DDD

Jan 22, 2012 04:38

Guess where am I! Yeah back at my hometown. IT'S THE SCHOOL HOLIDAY! *only for 3 days but lol ok*


Anyway, about MegaUpload.... Friday was a very dark/bad day for me and all of us... I just wish it wasn't so sudden... I don't have the chance to say about how I felt since I'm busy at my work place and packing my bags for the holiday... But to tell you guys the truth... I don't feel my own existence at school the moment I saw the news about what happen... my mind was some where else... I don't even remember my own facial expression when I was teaching but my assistant said I look too cheerful... I probably look all smiley but that was because I was trying my hardest to hide the sadness... I end up crying for a few hours once the school is over. It's not just because of MU... *once my country banned it, I never actually able to use it but i knew it's still there* I cried because of my fear for the fandom. What will become of it... Like dictionarysays in her entry... The core of fandom is sharing. And yeah for me, from sharing blooms love and flails... If anything like SOPA or PIPA passed and well they would take down all of the stuffs we use to communicate and flail about *like youtube, google, deviantart etc* then what's left for us? Also I've been thinking after reading what ginger001 said in her entry ... So probably I'm gonna ask you guys *my flist* for maybe your contact infos like email and address *I still kept the ones that I've done my card exchange*... Just in case worse thing happen and LJ being shutdown and such *sorry for being paranoid and pessimist lol* I still wanna exchange thoughts and flails and information with you guys... :')

BUT ANYWAY *throws away all the negative thinking*... WE ARE STRONG PEOPLE! We are not going to be defeated by this issue... Yeah it gave us some shock and even some mods of certain communities were thinking of shutting down their comms *jdramas, share_the_anko etc* Though I hope we all could stay calm and work together to rebuild anything that is lost... I'm gonna try a few other file sharing sites to mirrors my uploads... We can't rely on MF anymore. *sigh*

Also my bro called me yesterday telling me that he didn't manage to get that last Kisarazu Cat's Eyes World series movie. *cries forever*

Btw, I saw this  post on smapxmedia... So I'm copy pasting it coz we all need to know *sigh*

Fileserve - deleting multiple files and closed affiliate program
VideoBB - closed its affiliate program
Filepost - started suspending accounts with infringing material (Doing what Hotfile did)
Uploaded.to - not available in U.S. anymore (Banned U.S. ISPs)
Videozer - No affiliate*/make money page
FileJungle-deleting multiple files and blocking some U.S. ISPs.
Uploadstation - (owned by Fileserve) same as above
Filesonic-(owned by Fileserve). No news yet.

*File sharing hosts pay uploaders with monetary incentives in a variety of ways.


Multiupload - delete direct link
Uploadking (I uploaded via Multi) server don't work (I guess they delete some files now)
Uploadhere - don't work now.

Now some food spam *coz I have been wanting to post them but I was so busy lol*




Okay... So since I'm back at home and look at my mails at my packages... Let's see what I actually got from those new years card exchange. :DDD



1. Thanks bunny_d_kate for the card. I still remembered my parents face when I opened the envelope lol. XDDD 2. Thanks to ceeri for the cute card. Taichi is so cute. 3. Thanks for the post card dual_tsubasa! XD 4. I love the V6 as elves. Thanks goeileen. 5. I love the snowy view so much. Thanks monstakarotte. 6. 5ahead sent me letters and cute tiny card and CUTE Taichi! Thanks! 7. Thanks to basil_ovelby for the TOKIO shop photos and the drawings. Love them so much! :'D 8.einery_here sent me some candies/chocolate and teabags! and Koichi! Thanks so much. But I really have to ask the content/ingredient of the candies/chocolate... Coz if it got alcohol then I can't eat it. It's forbidden in my religion. ^w^; Hope you can tell me. 9. wasabisushi404! Thanks for the keychain! and the adorable card. XD v6daisuki I don't know why but I just realize that I haven't got yours... :o




I don't know what to do with the poster coz I'm not the kind of people who would put poster on the walls. Lol I'll just keep it like all those posters I had.


<3<3<3 Can't wait to watch/listen/rip/scan them all!!


Ok. That's all for now. I have to go to bed now it's 4:30 am lol. I have to get up early and help my father fertilize the palm tree. So I'm gonna watch all those DVDs at night.

Have a nice day guys! o(^w^)o

Ps: HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR and happy holiday!

smap, johnnys, new year, kinki kids, v6, random

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