Beautiful morning.
I remembered that I took this pic before went to school on the last day before school holiday starts. The morning sky was beautiful. ^w^
What 'Thanks' means to me?
I just realize something when I read this message in my gmail inbox. I didn't know I was sent this message coz it was deleted by the mod (the original comment....) I opened my gmail because I just wanted to send an email to my friend. Lucky I saw the message... I usually ignored message from LJ coz I already read them in LJ....
I commented on a comm that shared translation of a radio show... My message was:
Thanks for sharing the translation. (^w^)/
and then the mod replied with:
Please stop making comments like this. You have to comment on the -content-, not just say something empty like "thanks". I will keep deleting your comments unless they include something about the actual post.
Then I guess she deleted the whole comment with her reply.
What struck me was this: something empty like "thanks" (;w;)
I don't think saying thanks is something empty. But that just me being naive. I'm not that creative. I can't write fic and can't do translation. Though I would say "Thank you" when I download videos/scans or read people's translation/fic. Especially for translation /fic, when I just don't know what to say much or hard to express the feeling into words, I'll at least put 'thanks' there. I'm really sucks at commenting for fics. Really... That's why mostly my comments are really short. If it's long that just means I was trying to express something and it actually took a long time than usual for me. *English is not my first langauage*
Back to the email, the reason I didn't commented much on the content was coz I don't know what to comment on. I read and enjoy the translation but I don't have any specific part of the translation that I really want to say about... Though I said "Thanks" coz for me, it shows that I appreciate her translation, a way telling her that I read it and like it. Too bad she think it as something 'empty'. For me, I love comments that I receive so far in my journals and communities where I shared my stuffs. I won't delete a comment made by people coz to me they are precious. It shows people responded to what I have, what I give or share. It feels that I have a place here. I'm exist and people notice. ^w^
I won't ever comment anything on her translation anymore. Maybe it's better to just read and keep quiet. I wasn't aware maybe it's her community policies or something. No wonder other reader's comments are long. I just realize this. Lol. :p
Anyway, to you guys who also share things, translation, scans, fics, subs.... What does a comment of "Thanks" means to you guys?
Have a nice day guys.