I'm fasting today but I missed sahur lol... SO my tummy is grumbling... Ah a few more hours... Be patience! Ganbate me! XD/
Just one more week till the fasting month! 8D Yay! Though maybe around that month I had to limit my time on LJ and concentrate more on other stuffs. *yeah right I doubt it myself lol XD*
and something came up just now so I'll be absent from LJ tomorrow & the next day. I HATE SCHOOL WORK! TwT
I randomly watch TOKIO's 1994 debut concert last night and I notice Sakamoto was there too... Back dance for them with Innochi, Nagano, Morita and the KinKi Kids. I wonder what went through his head at that point?... since there was a speculation about him to debut with TOKIO... Although it didn't happen... XD I think later in that year that he quit Jimusho right? or is that was before? and then came back thanks to KinKi Kids and Taichi hehe... X3
Now he is 40 years old and still looking good. Wishing you, Sakamoto Masayuki, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today on 24 July 2011. X3 May you have a great joyful day and keep on giving us wonderful performance. I wonder how the V6 members celebrate his birthday? I don't think they'll knit something for him too like TOKIO's Leader haha... but the thought of the members possibly doing something for him make me excited. :D