I'm 26 today...

Mar 30, 2011 16:28

There are mix feelings...

"It's my birthday today! I'm 26 already! Ahaha~~~" \\(^w^)//


"OMG! I'm 26 already!! Oh no....... I wanna stay 17! *is delusion*" OAO|||

Ok... This is not my birthday cake... I'm not really celebrating it... I'm happy enough that people in LJ and FB wishing my birthday... Anyway, we have birthday party today... For my pupil... Irfan's birthday is actually on January but we just decided to celebrate it today *yesterday got problem*... other pupils birthdays are around September till December so there'll be another party by the end of the second semester...

It wasn't a real party... just eating food and cake... and a few other yummy stuffs... For more pics you can look at here.. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=54019&id=100000433954743

I had my slice of cake... Yummy! Xd

Thanks for the birthday wishes! XDD Owh... This cake is also dedicate to israfel84 and asya_chan  

Have a nice day everyone! ^w^ 


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