TOKIO, V6, & KinKi Kids Folder Icons! ^w^

Jan 16, 2011 22:25

I made more TOKIO folder Icons! and this time also with wallpapers... Though the wallpapers are a bit lame... Whatever.... And this time got V6 folder Icons and wallpapers too! *I'm quite satisfied with this one XD;* KinKi Kids is just the folder icons.... ^^;

For now just the previews... Links will be up tomorrow *or the next day if school eats me*


Folder Icons

1. Just Mabo & Nagase ///^^///

2. I tried to make it look glossy... kinda ok, right? As you can see there's only 5 icons here....

3. Tokio in suits! X3 I failed the glossy thingy... ohwell... >_<||| Just 5 icons...


4. Yeah... it's just the same pic with different *but lame* background... Sorry if you expected something more creative.... (-_-;)


Folder Icons

5. Had to split into 2 folders coz don't want you guys to confuse between the .ico & .png icons... 8D


6. I tried my  best doing these two... Hope you guys like them... XD 

KinKi Kids

Folder icons
7. From their iD album scans... Not that success with the glossy thingy again... (T_T;) 

1. Mabo & Tomoya Star
2. Tokio Hearts
3. Tokioblacksuit
4. Tokioblacksuit wallie
5. V6 musicmind
6. V6 musicmind wallie
7. KinKiKids iD

Just to make it clear, the scans used in all of these are not mine. I downloaded them from generous people around the communities... XD;

okada junichi, gussan, inohara, domoto tsuyoshi, sakamoto, folder icons, tokio, v6, kinki kids, nagase, domoto koichi, morita, nagano, taichi, miyake, mabo, leader, wallpaper

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