" We'll find it ... You & me "
Vidder : Didy
Title : D & S | The Amulet | Hope Always | A brother's bond (5.16)
Song : Hope always
Artist : X-ray dog
Theme : Supernatural
Warnings : spoilers for Spn 5.16 (Dark side of the Moon) ; Ending scene
Category : general
Characters/Pairings : Dean & Sammy Winchester
Length : 0m48sec
Summary : " You're loosing faith... In yourself ... In your brother "
Links :
Youtube (hq) |
bbv A/N : ~ When we see how much Sam's perspectives about his love for his family (Dean) have changed & how Sammy realizes it (now he can't live without this co-dependance w/his bro. They're soulmates after all :P), Dean is broken by what he saw.The only thing that kept him going in that apocalyptic time was his faith he had in his relationship with his little bro.He gave so much to his family & now he feels betrayed. He thinks their brotherly relationship has never meant for Sam what it meant for him & now he's ready to abandon all hope. When Sam wants them to stick together, Dean ditches the Amulet in a trash, one of closest symbol of their love,
so is the Brother's relationship.Their bond is broken but there's still love & hope ....
Honestly, that vid wasn't supposed to end up online. I wanted to make a new vid about the bros in season 5 but i thought maybe it was shooting too high without knowing sony vegas that much by now. So i just cut a scene & wanted to make something like a vid-test to try a bunch of effects & to learn a few more stuff about sv pro this week. Then i thought, maybe i should try to work on it seriously with what i was learning & if it'd turn out to be a good one that i was kind of happy with it, then i'll share it as a new vid =D I miss vidding so much! I chose that scene, 'cause i thought it was a short but important scene & i'm sure that everyone stopped breathing during this moment!
I spent hours on that 50seconds vid & thing is, i dunno if it's good or not, at this point, i went blind Lol I tried my best to edit it correctly but there's still things that bother me in it because of transitions effects between a few clips but i can't fix it. It's so frustrating ! But my sis looked at the vid & told me she hasn't seen what i was talking about, i must admit it, i look at every details, i'm a perfectionnist. So i uploaded it. And my friend Kay told me she was loving the vid already, that gave me confidence. So i Hope people will enjoy it & get into it despite the issues i had with the vid.
ps: This vid is the 1st one i edit entirely with Sony vegas.(the one from last week, i got helped just a lil bit by wmm ;)) all those effects i used to make the vid are totally new to me, i just learned them these past days! I like being able to generate the emotions of the show in my vids but with sony vegas, i think i may need some time to do it ;) So forgive me if it's not as perfect as i would, Hope you'll like it :)
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Rate & comments are loved <3333
~ Love Xoxo ^^
Didy <33
(Animated icon Used : Credit goes to a lj user/friend.
ps: If you reconize your work, just tell me & be sure that i'll credit you!)