30 Days Of Meme: Day 30

Dec 03, 2010 04:16

30 Days Of Meme
Day 30 - One Last Moment

I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith and I were on the top of a burning buildin and we had to fight our way down like five floors of zombies a--

....okay seriously. 
shit let's see..

Well.. when I was a kid we found a gun? My friend Cody and I, when we were about 11. We found it on the side of the riverbed. It didn't look like it had too much water damage if any. It was a automatic hand gun. I remember we were so psyched. We tried to see if it was loaded or something but we couldn't get it open without forcing anything. We were a bit nervous of pressing the wrong thing. But Cody shoved it in his pants and we headed home. He kept it at his place and the next day he had a cut on his hand. I kinda figured he was messing with the gun cos he wouldn't tell me how he got the cut. Then he said we should get rid of it. 
We ended up throwing it into some ivy bush in our apartments. The next day it was gone. OH-- I coulda put that as something I regretted on day 19! I regret not telling the police or something. I still worry who found it and if it even still worked. Heck-- it coulda been a murder weapon that someone tossed into the river! 
Feel really stupid about that.


DONE WITH THIS BLOODY MEME! FINALLY! Sorry to everyone I annoyed with this! Sorry also to being late so many of these last days. And tripley sorry for anyone who started doing this because of me. It's only fun for the first week. Then it SUCKS.


in response to this!

Day 01 - Introduce yourself
Day 02 - Your first love, in great detail
Day 03 - Your parents, in great detail
Day 04 - What you ate today, in great detail
Day 05 - Your definition of love, in great detail
Day 06 - Your day, in great detail
Day 07 - Your best friend, in great detail
Day 08 - A moment, in great detail
Day 09 - Your beliefs, in great detail
Day 10 - What you wore today, in great detail
Day 11 - Your siblings, in great detail
Day 12 - What’s in your bag, in great detail
Day 13 - This week, in great detail
Day 14 - What you wore today, in great detail
Day 15 - Your dreams, in great detail
Day 16 - Your first kiss, in great detail
Day 17 - Your favorite memory, in great detail
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday, in great detail
Day 19 - Something you regret, in great detail
Day 20 - This month, in great detail
Day 21 - Another moment, in great detail
Day 22 - Something that upsets you, in great detail
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better, in great detail
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry, in great detail
Day 25 - A first, in great detail
Day 26 - Your fears, in great detail
Day 27 - Your favorite place, in great detail
Day 28 - Something that you miss, in great detail
Day 29 - Your aspirations, in great detail
Day 30 - One last moment, in great detail

30 days, doodle, meme

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