Jun 27, 2006 21:40
so joanna and i have been sweating our asses off all day walking around china laughing at the crazy drivers that dont give pedestrians the time of day. today we climbed the great wall...on the "hard" side. there were a lot of annoying vendors trying to sell us "pee-pee boy". then after, we went for an AMAZING foot massage for an hour and a half...for only like 13 bucks. the asian boys were laughing at us. there was one that looked like he was 10. apparently they said he was "11". my mom said he was a baby. also...on the great wall...some irish men called us "crazy japanese girls" ebcause we were trying to take some creative pictures. oh i almost died trying to figure out the electrical system in china. we blew out our electricity and it was pretty embarrassing. to make the situation worse, we then locked ourselves out of our own hotel room trying to get help. so far we've been able to use western toilets. OH the food here is freaking awesome. we're both getting hella fat. but its okay because we're sweating it off while we're walking around all day. well i must go...this is costing us $3 for 10 minutes. so toodles you all i miss you and love you. BYEEEEEE!!!!