Jun 30, 2010 12:08
Its all getting a bit close now!
I'm still doing well, had my 32 week midwife check yesterday and she was really pleased.
I am measuring (bump thats is) exactly on target, 1 cm for every week, BP 120/70, no sugar in urine or bloods, iron levels good, no swelling in ankles or hands.
As Mum said "I'm as healthy as a wee horse!" he he he.
Everyone keeps asking when I will stop work but to be honest I plan to work on as long as I can unless I am instructed to do otherwise. I don't see the point in sitting at home and waiting for something to happen.
I've really surprised myself with this pregnancy. I always worried that I wouldn't be healthy enough, that I would gain a lot of weight, end up anemic or with gestational diabetes or something.
I guess I have a stronger system that I thought or I was healtheir than I thought.
I've craved some junk in the last 8 months but mostly not given in to it and kept up with water intake and lots of fruit and veg. Plus alcohol has been off the menu so my system is probably cleaner than it has been in years, he he he.
The baby is REALLY active (it has been since week 16) so rather than it running out of space now and settling down its break dancing in there. I can make out "Body parts" when its scrabbling about and I sit at night ang giggle at my whole stomach moving around like some alien is in there! Its wierd but comforting at the same time.
Not sleeping particularly well, its warm and I'm not finding many positions comfortable so probably the worst thing just now is being tired, v v v tired.
I'm thinking a lot about the birth now which I guess is only natural. I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst, he he. If I can get in and out and job done like my mum did I will be happy with that but the hospital bags are packed with enough to do me and baby 3-4 days if I'm kept in or end up with a c-section or something.
I find myself wondering a lot about whether it will be ok or not, the baby that is. Having had the amnio we know 100% for sure that major physical and mental disabilities are ruled out but what if it has hearing or sight problems, autism, any of the nasties no amount of blood results, scans or amnio's can detect. I know its silly and its probably only natural to wonder about these things at this stage in the proceedings. No doubt the excitement of meeting the baby will rule this out in due course.
So thats about it - 58 days and counting...