Oh, why not...

Aug 01, 2011 12:57

Found this randomly on the internets and thought I'd give it a whirl, see if it cements ol' Grindon more firmly in my mind for next November. Tag yourself if you want to join in on the random fun of figuring out character stuffs!


FULL NAME: Grindon Ram
MEANING: Is there a meaning? I'm not aware of one.
NICKNAME: None. At least, not yet.
ACTUAL AGE: Depends how you count it. Technically less than a year old, but looking around his late 40's or early 50's.
RESIDENCE: The author's mind, in the zone of White Space.
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Has never actually seen another human being, so the answer to this question is as yet unknown.
MARITAL STATUS: See above. Have to know the right sort of someone to marry them, you see.
KIDS: None. The lack of presence of a biologically compatible person around kind of assures this.
OCCUPATION: Does a roving wanderer count as an occupation?
RANDOM: Is getting better at dealing with sudden changes in reality.
APPEARANCE: Quietly stylish.
HAIR COLOR: A greying brown. Distinguished looking, not old.
HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Shortish. Could probably pull off the messy spiked look, but after the egg incident prefers to keep his hair clean.
EYES COLOR: Pale blue.
HEIGHT: 6'5"
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: None thus far. His adventures have left him unscathed thus far.
SELF CARE: Well groomed, when he can. Life sometimes throws curveballs, and it's hard to shave while playing dodgeball.
FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Serious with a humorous undertone.
SKIN COLOR: Lightly tanned. Out in the 'sun' enough for some colour, but not nearly enough to bring about the dreaded leather look.
BODY TYPE/BUILD: Tall and lightly built. No huge rippling muscles on this guy.
DEFAULT EXPRESSION: In his current environment? Bemused confusion.
DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Warm lower qualities, friendly.
WEAPON OF CHOICE: A towel. Or splinters. (There's not much choice around...)
PERSONALITY: Cautiously curious and friendly, but can sometimes blow something out of proportion and get annoyed/angry.
WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: A friendly greeting, followed by general queries to find out who and what you are.
AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER (AND THEY LIKE YOU): Many adventures will be shared together.
POSITIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Can deal with a surprising amount of crazy and still remain more or less sane.
NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Untrusting of certain offers, especially when preceded by a hazy or unclear offer.
FAVORITE ANIMAL: Somewhat partial to the octopus. When you spend some time as another form, it kind of sticks with you.
FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Has not encountered any yet. However, he has been known to make up songs on the fly.
FAVORITE ELEMENT: Surprise, when it's him that does the surprising.
FAVORITE FOOD: Chocolate cake, though the ethical ramifications of this still shake him sometimes.
HOBBIES: Finding adventure. Or is it that adventure finds him?
USUAL MOOD: It seems to be a cross between cheerful and confused.
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUG: Large amounts of caffeine and sugar have an, um, interesting effect. Yo ho ho.
SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: Feels very protective of his friends, largely because they're very small.
OPINION ON SWEARING: He uses it sparingly, but would have no issues with someone else swearing up a blue streak.
MUSIC TYPE: Anything is a nice change from constant quiet.
COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: Gently warm... but hasn't experienced anything else.
SLEEPING PATTERN: Sleeps when tired. Days and nights don't exist.
CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Tidy for the most part, but is more than willing to rationalize reasons for leaving messes around.
DESIRED PET: None. His friends are more than enough distraction.
HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Adventuring, or arguing with the author.
BIGGEST SECRET: He still has no idea what happened in the pre-egg time.
WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: No question about it. He was briefly an octopus. (You never know what the side effects of painkillers might be)
FEARS: After all this time in that wide open space, probably a mild touch of claustrophobia.
DRUNK TYPE: Stupidly mischievous.
DONE ANYTHING TO GET IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW: No laws to get in trouble with, though arguing with one's creator isn't always the best move.
ROMANCE: Would probably enjoy like-minded company, but the concept of romance has yet to dawn upon him.
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: Not too often. Like I said, no concept of the thing.
HOW DO THEY ACT: Hypothetically they would be clumsy-sweet, like bringing only a half box of chocolates because there were chocolates in the house and how could he resist the temptation but look, he managed to save half for you and it's the good half with the chocolate covered cherries and all!
GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS CLUMSY: Would try to be a gentleman, though things might not always work out the way he intended.
TRUE LOVE VS TESTING DIFFERENT PEOPLE: Holy snort you're human I must get to know you better in order to understand myself.
PROTECTIVE: He's protective of his friends, so logically a significant other would have that same protective stance.
GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Slow, in order to process his confusion better.
WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: Presents? Buy? When? What for? How much? Hold on, he's gotta go get something to write with...
TYPE OF KISSER: I would suppose warm, but slightly stubble-scratchy.
ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Clumsily so. Might not always get things right, as he doesn't really have a lot of knowledge to go on. Actually, at the beginning he might even resort to flipping a coin to figure out what to do.
HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Soft snoring, cover hog... that's what you mean, right?
TOYS: Wait, I guess that wasn't what you meant.
FETISHES: Certainly hasn't crossed his mind yet.
S+M: See above.
GET JEALOUS EASY: Does get jealous, but will try to calm himself down enough to rationally hear the other side of the story.
WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: Nope. He'll beat you at a card game, but that's about it.
MARRY FOR MONEY: Why would he need money? Ask for something, and likely it'll arrive (in a puff of sparkly coloured smoke).
FAVORITE POSITION: None as of yet.
OPINION ON SEX: Ok, first he's gotta discover another human being, then it has to be the one he likes, then we'll start thinking about considering to talk about copulation.


1. Hi! What's your name?
"I'm Grindon Ram. I think."

2. Your age?
"I'm not too sure of that myself, to be honest with you. Old enough to know better and crazy enough to do it anyway?"

3. Favorite color?
"Mmm, color. I miss color. Or at least I suppose I would if I could remember having color to miss before I got here in the egg. Really, anything is a nice change from this everpresent white. It's not that the white is hard on the eyes, because somehow it's not, but... change is good, you know? "

4. Fav food and drink?
*looks around quickly* "Don't tell Stevie I told you this, but... chocolate cake. "

5. Who's your crush?
"Crush? You mean, who could I theoretically step on? That would be Stevie. Or Smurf."

6. If you have a crush, did you kiss yet?
"Wait, what? That's just messed up! If I get my lips anywhere near Stevie, he'll think I'm trying to eat him, and the crazy cupcake will try to help things along... And I just don't wanna kiss Smurf. Ever kissed a zombie? I can't imagine it would be pleasant."

7. Your hobbies?
"Mostly I just wander around until something happens, unless my back is turned or my eyes are closed and something sneaks up and happens to me instead."

8. Who are your friends?
"Well, there's Stevie and Smurf for sure. I'm not entirely certain where I stand with Smrgl, though it seems to be on the positive side of things now." *shudders* "You don't want to see Angry Dragon Face, trust me."

9. Favorite weather?
"Any day where I'm not getting, say, a bucket of goo to the face is a good day."

10. Which season do you prefer?
"I can't tell the difference here. It's always the same. Kind of convenient, though."

11. Your biggest fears?
"Angry dragons. They're big, they're strong, 5 out of 6 ends are pointy, and the 6th is like a gigantic sentient rope whip. "

12. Is there anyone you don't like?
"Not so far. There have been misunderstandings, but everything turns out ok in the end."

13. Do you like cute things/persons?
"My first friend here was a cupcake with big blue eyes. Does that answer that question."

14. A compliment you get to hear often?
"Wow, you're tall."

15. Weirdest persons you've ever met?
"Everyone I meet is weird in some way. I really don't want to have to go through a weirdness contest to see who is champion weirdo. It might just be me, and that would really throw off my day, you know?"
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