Sep 09, 2004 22:09
411 = I need information
5-0 = police
5-0 = run like hell
areous = area
aw-ite = acknowledged
axe = to ask
ball out = leave
be = are
befo = before
bemah = automotive vehicle manufactured by the B.M.W. considered to be very suave amongst a group of homies
bent = wasted
B.M.W. = Black Man Working or Black Man's Wheels
bo jangling = not paying attention, or being stupid
bomb = something that is considered popular or visuially pleasing
boo = close friend
booty = buttox
boyz = gang friends
brick = see phat
Brurva = An male acquittance
buck wild = really crazy
bud = marijuana
buggin' = actions in a mannar which is considered to be not socially acceptable in a group of homies
bumping = it is to my likeing
bust out = to leave
busta white = a person who hangs around with but is not wanted
busta cap = shoot a gun fire a bullet
busta move = to act quickly
cent = cents
cakes = buttox
cap = bullet
Cavy Sack = A bag of Marijuana
chillin = Relaxing
chronic = marijuana
curb job = a retaliatory attack consisting of a thrust of the dental cavity of a adversarial gang member onto the cement confine barrier of a road
cold-lampin' = relaxing or hanging out
cop-blockin' = interfering in one's relations
cream = money, riches, valueables
crib = place of residence
curried = Talked about in an unfriendly manor
da shit = marijuana
dime = bag of mixed illegal drugs, usually worth monitary exchage units in a factor ten
dimesack = bag of mixed illegal drugs, usually worth monitary exchage units in a factor ten
dimebag = bag of mixed illegal drugs, usually worth monitary exchage units in a factor ten
dog = worn out, bad, terrible, in bad shape
Ebonics = ebony and phonics
ebony = black
dis = that, or too harass
fitty = fifty
flava = means flavor
fly = tight (see tight) or neat
fly gangster shit = going to fight
folks = police
foo = fool
fronting = attempting to start a quarrel
G = acquaintance
ganja = marijuana grown in Jamaica or the flower of a marijuana plant
gank = to steal or take from someone or something
gat = gun
(I'm gonna) gat yo' ass = You areangering me and I may become violent if you do not cease your actions
Haps in da hood = What's going on in the neighborhood
he be = he does
hella thick =(refers to women) cute or fine
ho = woman who engages in sexual activity for a money sum
homey = friend
hood = neighborhood
hoodrat = scummy girl
It's on = You and me are about to engage in a violent confrontation
jet = leave
jigga = acquaintance
Jo = acquaintance, or it can be used as a greeting such as yo or what's up
jocking my style = messing with me or copying me in an attempt to be cool like me
Joe Roller = police
jonx = means everything yet nothing at the same time, or my things, belongings
Kicking = Pleasing,(usually refered to music or a particular song)
kicks = shoes
lutchie = money
Lunchin = To act in a rather uncontrollable manner
mary jane = marijuana
mo = more
moo = Move
my bad = my mistake
na = no, dissagreement
nah = no, dissagreement
nick = bag of mixed illegal drugs, usually worth monitary exchage units in a factor five
nickelbag = bag of mixed illegal drugs, usually worth monitary exchage units in a factor five
nine = 9mm gun
outy = bye
Packing a piece = packing a gun
peace out = Good bye
Peeps = people, friend (see homie)
phat = looks good
Piece = Gun
player = someone who disses all his ho's
po = lacking in money
Polece = Police
Po Po = Police
refer = marijuana
regulate = to force a person to accept something which he or she does not want, agree, or wish to accept
rhymes = lyrics
rise up foo = bring it on or get out of my chair
roll out = to leave
rollen deep = good connection
Sack = a plastic bag containing an illegal or controlled substance
Schooled ya = To bask in the glory of a victory wone in a competive enviroment
scrap = A violent confrentation between two brothers
shiiee = shit
shiiee ( your name) = What are you? Crazy?
shorty = an atractive female
sippinn' my forty = getting piss drunk
skeets = to move at a high speed
sku me = excuse me
snaps = money
sup = abbreviation for what's up
I gonna Steal you = I am plaining to punch you (Stole past tense)
steping = when a person or several people start to engage in a violent confrontation between another person, or people
straight = fine, okay
Strapped = In possession of a gun
stupposedly = supposedly
That's the bomb = that is very pleasing to me
the man = law enforcement officer or a player
tha shiznit = the best or a very potient herb
thug = hard core gangster
tight = pleasing to the eye, not loose
triping = the begings of what could lead to a violent confrontation between two beings
try-fo-lin = that's stupid or lacking significance
wack = not to my likeing
what tha dilly yo? = what is going on?
whats up? = hi, how are you
word up = got that straight, thats right or how's it going
yayo = money
Yo! = yeah? what is it? what do you want?
You got beef? = are you provoking me to engage into a violent confrontation?