Kimura/Goro | PG
I definitely wrote this in five minutes on the bus to school this afternoon on some ratty line paper I found in my backpack (thank god) while listening to Lion Heart on repeat. I keep having a TakuGoro itch, maybe this drabble'll be the start of something long? I hope so. I want to write more TakuGoro (woohoo for my first
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And man, I know! Every other day or so I'd go on to sxslash hoping there'd be a 'fic but no luck. Last week was srsly one of those once in a blue moon kinda' things I think, hahah. I've been having thousands of writing bursts a day for the past week or so but every time I went to write, nothing would come or the feeling had passed or I just got stuck with what I had and yeah. Can't wait for your next post, whenever that may be, I definitely read most of your 'fics yesterday out of a need for SMAP-fics and stat. :DD
Hahah, see, if I liked cats (I totally prefer dogs, cats don't seem like they need anyone P:), I'd definitely name mine Jazz. And it also felt lame yet apt enough for Goro to name his cat that (besides the uberly dorky SMAP-chan that is, hahah). He also sings a lot of Jazz so why not. ALSO! I want to see that man's cats! I think I've given up on the name thing but at least a picture or something. xDD
You're right! If anything, Kim' would be all, I'm wet, I'm cold and my hair's a mess. Let me in. /BLANK STARE--but I guess I like the image of a grinning and soaked Kim' more than anything else, hahah. /FANTASY PARTIALLY FULFILLED
Yesyesyes on the SMAP watching each other on TV. I think out of all of them, Kim' probably does it the most. I remember when there was the SxS special and they quizzed each other on their dramas and all, Kim' got them all right from what I remember. The sweetie~~ Admittedly though, first time I read what you said, the badbadbad part of my brain thought you might be referring to porn. ;DD But again, there goes my brain, down into the gutter.
Hahah, you're not the only one in terms of Goro needing to jump Kimura and now! I srsly wanted to write slash, I mean, a kiss or something, but the 'fic wouldn't let me. Wth. DD: I kept going back, trying to re-write, but I couldn't change a thing unless I wanted to change everything and yeah, it works this way too. It's just really fluffy is all and sad and stuff /SO COHERENT
I totally talk to all the SMAP members in my head at different times of the day, don't worry, hahah. Especially when they do frustrating things in 'fics and shows and whatnot. xDD I feel bad for Goro and yet I wrote, sheesh.
It probably doesn't help that Triangle just came on now too, it always kinda mellows me out in the bestest of ways~~
I HAVE A SUGGESTION. You should write the What Goro REALLY Should've Done version of this. HA. You don't have to actually of course, but all your thoughts, they're so true! And I totally wouldn't mind. ;DD Yeaaah, this turned out way more SighGoro than I thought it would. DD: I get the feeling all my TakuGoro from here on out is going to have angst to some extent. Curses!
BUT I'M SO GLAD YOU FOUND THIS SWEET AND SAD AND PRETTY AND SORTS OF OTHER THINGS! Hahah. :DD Shucks, I think drabbles are harder than one-shots tbh. So the fact you do 'em so often and extremely well? OI. I need to stealz some of ur skillz, yo. But yosh. I'll get to writing more if you get to writing more too. /DEAL?
You could write anything and I think I'd be ecstatic :DD
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