This is a list of things I've faved or read about through the photography grapevine. I figured it would be best to make a big post about photography and maybe some non photography projects, info and how to(s) for you all. :)
Basic Information:
Nikon (official)Nikon:
Nikon Digital Learning CenterCanon:
Canon (official)Canon:
Canon DSLR User GroupCanon:
Canon EOS 400D (aka. Rebel XTi / KISS Digital X)Canon:
A Quick Guide to Understanding Your Canon Digital Rebel XTiCanon:
The Digital Picture (reviews and such)Kodak:
Kodak (official)Fuji:
Fuji (official)Lomo:
Save PolaroidBrownie:
The Brownie-Camera PageFilm Cameras:
Explore: AnalogTips:
10 Tips for Great PicturesTips:
Change Your PerspectiveTips:
Basic Photography Tips Video (Highly Suggested)
High Dynamic Range Imaging/HDRInfo:
High Dynamic Range Imaging/HDRInfo:
Band Photography; Pricing and What to ChargeInfo:
Copyright laws- Walgreen's refused to release a photo I took myself to me?Info:
Artist name and by-line in ExifInfo:
Dustin Diaz; PhotographyInfo:
ISO Settings in Digital PhotographyInfo:
Digital Photography SchoolLenses:
Choosing Lenses for Concert Photography How To(s):
How to Make a Pinhole CameraTraditional:
How to Choose Photographic PaperDigital:
How to Shoot the MoonDigital:
Photography TutorialsPhotoshop:
Droste Effect TutorialPhotoshop:
Dave Hill Fans featuring How to'sPhotoshop:
HDR: Not Only The 'Magic' EffectPhotoshop:
Simple HDR TutorialPhotoshop:
HDR: Knock OffPhotoshop:
HDR InfoPhotoshop:
Photo EditingDigital:
Changing White Balance Photoshop:
Post ProcessingPhotoshop:
Cross-Processing in PhotoshopPhotoshop:
Quick frame EffectsPhotoshop:
How To Make Digital Photos Look Like Lomo PhotographyPanorama:
Video: How to shoot a panorama quickly and easilyMacro:
Macro Photography on a BudgetMacro:
Reverse Lens Technique Tutorial Projects:
Face Your Pockets Photographers:
Clay Patrick McBrideTodd +
Todd's Photography BlogIsland JennDave HillRyan Brenizer's Amazon Blog +
Ryan Brenizer +
Ryan Brenizer's flickrHung C Tran Photography BlogNieuwenhuis Fotografie Film Info:
I've been trying to find film for cheap. Specially Polaroid 600 so far the cheapest in-store is Wal-Mart at $15. But packs of Polaroid 600 are cheaper on Wal-mart also sells 110 film around $1.25 - $2.00 (Yes I still own 110 film cameras). But to get your 110 film processed it has to be sent out, and pretty soon so will 35mm. I imagine a lot of photo processing places are turning into digital processing places specially those in pharmacy and grocery stores. And some specialty film processing stores are going out of business. While a lot of us still like to use film whether all the time or some of the time we are loosing the basics of film. Like rotary negatives film is slowly going out of style. If people promoted to this generation's teens who like taking myspace shots with Polaroids while wearing big sunglasses and owl necklaces the history of film would be preserved. Yes we can get some of the same looks of film with photoshop but it's hardly ever the same and some people either make you pay or won't give up their secrets to how they got their digital photos to look like 35mm. We must preserve the production, usage, and development film and film cameras. Please don't give up on film.
You can purchase cameras (digital or film), accessories and 35mm film in a lot stores:
CVSGoodwillRite AidSafewayWal-MartWalgreensTargetAmazon.com47st PhotoAdoramaFry's ElectronicsBest Buy