Dec 10, 2003 06:01
I apologize for the last entry Liz. Haha, how you like that girl? For the time being it's like I'm writing to you because you're my only friend lol. I was fighting with Ben obviously over something stupid (again). But I was really furious I swear. So I did it again girl. I backtracked through someone's entries, yours puahaha. You're like a serial blogger! I had no clue you had those other names before. You've been on LJ longer than I've even known about xanga and I'm only on my 2nd name on xanga! Gotta catch up, gotta catch up haha kidding. Reading through your old entries made me think about what I was doing during that time period. So I got all nostalgic and wanted to write a new LJ entry when I should be studying. Thanks Liz! Wow, do you ever go back and read all your stuff again? Cuz you sure did write a lot, holy crapola. Awww but you always sounded like the same sweet Liz in every entry. Except the one where you busted out that you were 118 pounds cuz it's hard to picture that now lolz. And not much has changed because you were still writing about "Rare this, Rare that" hahahaha. But it's nice to see so much devotion even over a span of so many years (well not that many but you get my drift heh). And don't worry, I wasn't sitting there reading every single one like a madman, it was just funny to see how long you've been doing this. You must love yourself some online journals! But shit, I woulda been doing the same thing too if I had known about them back in the day. Why do I keep talking about it like it was forever ago? I think it's cuz we were in highschool when you started them and highschool is feeling like eons ago already. But anyhoo, what was I doing then? In 2001, I was dating Dan I think. But me and Dan broke up after summer. Boy was he a winner (rolling eyes). Then I was single for a little while. Then I started dating Jason Mayo in December and only lasted like a month. That's when I moved out of my house to live with Ellen for 2 weeks and met Ben on his birthday on January 19th at Chuck E Cheese's heehee! I was still broken up about Jason and I remember sitting at the table wondering when Jason would make the move to call me again when in walks Ben and I stopped thinking all together. It was really weird. I found Ben so damn attractive for some reason! Not in a hot guapo casanova way but I thought he was the cutest thing I ever saw and I wanted to hug him hahaha. But at the time he was talking to some crackhead named Libby (w/ std's) so I didn't really talk to him. I just met him that night and that was it. But after my midterms were over we started to hang out as a group with the rest of the OG Majestic boys and I really started to like him. Shit, I probably fell in love with him the second I saw him but I tell myself love at first sight doesn't exist so I don't seem like a naive prat. I used to bring my cell to school and turn it on in the girls' bathroom so I could hear all the voice messages Ben left me that day. And I'd keep Ellen up till 3am talking to him on the phone because I'd forget to whisper hahaha. Omigod I miss those days. Those were some crazy fun days. But me and Ben got together too quickly and didn't take enough time to get to know eachother. It was just like we were dating the following week or something. I forgot how much I longed for those days. Everything seemed so simple and carefree and nothing was ever too hard to explain. Me and Ben were in that honeymoon stage where nothing phased us and it always just us. He had never farted in front of me yet and I still wanted the lights always off in the bedroom . We all chilled at Fer's apt everyday and Ellen, Pauline, and I were inseparable. Those were some great times. I always wondered what made the times change so drastically and quickly. Like someone flicking the light switch off. One day it just stopped being so happy. Maybe it was after I left Ellen's house we saw less of eachother and the whole group just started to disapparate. I'm not really sure what it was but happy just wasn't so happy anymore and the days seemed darker. I think it was when Ben dumped me that I started to feel that way. Thanks Ben. Haha. But now we have a whole new group of friends. Hopefully they'll stick around longer (especially Liz and Chrystle heee). And hopefully happy will seem more like happy again. I've just gotta wait for that comfortable feeling to sink in again because I'm not in Va Beach to get to know a lot of the guys very well. I don't like it when a lot of people come and go. I like everything to feel like home. Hopefully the boys will soon find what feels like right to them and the girls can form a strong sisterhood. *Crossing fingers~