Sticky post! (Friends Only, Links, Transformative/Derivative Works policy)

Feb 21, 2013 21:14


This journal is Friends Only; feel free to comment to be added (lemme know where we know each other?) but uh to be honest I almost literally never update. I really only use this place to comment on things and post Dear Yuletide letters.

Speaking of! My yuletide tag is on the bottom of this entry. It has many letters.

If you are here for my fic, it is almost all on AO3 here (click the linkytext). I write in quite a few fandoms, though Marvel Cinematic is the dominant at the moment.

If you are here to see how I feel about transformative and derivative works, read on under the cut!

[If: art, podfic, fanmix (songs compiled) or translations]
If: art, podfic, fanmix (songs compiled), and translations!

a) link to the relevant fic in your work

b) link me to your work when you're done so I can go :D!

c) warn for anything relevant to your work [in the text prior, or wherever], :)

re: translations specifically -- I would appreciate if you include all warnings on the original fic, or let people know you're choosing not to warn

For podfic specifically: My name can be pronounced "T. L. v. o. p." (each letter distinct) or "T. L. vahp". I do both IRL, :). Also, depending on the fic, I might not listen to it? I'll do my best, but I am not always great with noise, and some of my fic skates the edge of what I find trigger-y even when writing :). I'm sure it'll be great, though! And I'll let you know.

[If: remix]
If: remix
Contact me first at tlfandom AT gmail DOT com, and we'll talk! In most cases, I don't think I'd have any issues -- I have never done one of these before, however, so I am a wee bit uncertain as to how that goes.

If: other!
... Contact me? :).

transformative work, fic, derivative work, yuletide

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