Dearest Yuletider,
Don't panic! I babble a lot out of love, not out of a desire to impose restrictions or anything *flutters*. Whatever you write I will love, seriously. My parents will wake up to hear me squealing and it will be awesome :D!
I like introspective fic as much or more than plotted fic, but overall I like fic that can tell me something I didn't know about the character/world. I'm not so keen on super-melancholy fic, but don't feel like you have to avoid it if that's the story that speaks to you! Just I prefer at least a bitter-sweet ending :).
I really like gen-fic, primarily because I think fandom usually focuses a little too much on romance (which can still be there! Just if it is, please keep it to the side?). I also prefer fic that's only about PG-13 but if you feel like due to plot elements the rating should be higher go for it.
Please don't use sexual abuse in any form whatsoever. I understand that it can be handled well, but it’s not something I want to deal with. Thank you.
The Girl Who Owned A City
Can I tell you how stoked I am to find out this is a fandom?? I haven't reread the book in years but it has made a huge impact on my life. Primarily that, uh, eleven years later I still unconciously assess every building I pass for its fortress conversion capability. (>.>)
I babbled a lot in the request so I think that's basically all there is, there, but this is just to say that you don't have to feel hemmed to my ridiculous obsession with exploring how cultures actually work/develop. Go forth! Have fun! Explore the universe a bit more!
Just please don't kill Craig or his sister ):. <333
Fire and Hemlock
Ann Abraham has long been my favorite Fire and Hemlock character. She's so LOGICAL and nice and friendly and goes "psh!" in the face of faeriedom. What've been her experiences with the not entirely natural pre-final showdown? (Even pre-Thomas Lynne, really) How do Thom's stories effect her? Or, how has she been the group's anchor?
Also! As I said, I can understand if you're not so keen on writing just Ann because she is kind of a tertiary character, so a fic with the whole band being awesome (either as heroes or as stellar musicians) would be totally cool.
King of Shadows
I have to say, this book is so sad. Poor Shakespeare! Poor Nat! If you could explore how his experiences have shaped our!Nat and how he relates to the world at large differently as he ages, that would be so cool. Also, feel free to include Arby the Amazing, and/or any of Nat's friends from the drama company. We don't see enough of them in the book, if you ask me :).
Dalemark Quartet
I realized after I submitted that how I phrased this makes it look like I hate Maewen/Mitt! That is such a lie, they are my OTP. However! I think it is distinctly unfair to such a complex canon to focus on the love story of two people :). You can go off of any of my prompts in my request, or just steal a random character you love and play off of them. And, obviously, Maewen (and/or) Mitt can be background characters. You'll see I didn't rule out Moril, even though if you write him I'd rather it was something about a part of his life that didn't necessarily directly revolve around the other two M's--how he deals with Brid, maybe.
I like the "feel" of historical fiction and myth better than how most modern stories are written, but I enjoy all styles so don't feel hemmed in by that!!
(Also, if you are totally lost on what I mean by anything or need help prompting I'd suggest pinging some people who know basically all there is to know about my fanfic habits! Two of the three:
Name: Gen, AIM: Zebosity
Name: Rym, who needs to be LJ-messaged (she's the first comment below)
I will ask the other for permission next time I see her online :D)