Jun 26, 2009 18:05
I freaking hate online classes when my professor doesn't pull his/her weight. She entered the wrong grade for one of my assignments, hasn't entered any others. grades are due on tuesday.
i just spent all day writing a paper on virginia woolf, and i did a great job.
she made sure to emphasize that we turn it in on time
since grades are due so soon.
she requires turnitin.com, and it's due at seven.
so i finished it today, and guess what!
it's 6:06 and there's not a drop box for it on turnitin.com
When I emailed her about my wrong grade entered for assignment two,
she never emailed me back.
this was a week ago.
When our class tried to contact her about the missing drop box on turnitin.com two days ago, she hasn't responded.
and she grades like a beast when she does sign in.
Our class ends on Monday, and I only have one grade entered. and it's the wrong one.
i am reporting your ass to the english department!