Rotational picspam - New Simbridge part one

Jun 07, 2011 23:11

I have picspam for you once again.  As soon as I've finished posting the second part of this, I can start playing again, so yay!  Looking forward to that.

Anyway, on with some picspam.  I play five houses in the university, but seem to have taken pictures in only four of them.  Never mind eh?

Princess Beatrice House.

First thing I did after making over Stephanie and Amelia, was move Bethany into the VPLs.

A quick snapshot of Bethany's desk:

She does a lot of writing, although only a quick mention of writing to her family and Celly has made it into the story.  I actually made over her bedroom in the VPLs to include a desk too.

Amelia and Stephanie have grown up really well I think, and yes, Stephanie is wearing the same dress as Sophia, but in a different colour.  I love it lots.

Speaking of Sophia, look who moved into the House once Bethany left.  Hello Sophia!

Quick tip on how you can tell if the Sophia in a picture is the dormie Sophia in the real hood or the clone Sophia in the dummy hood.  Dormie!Sophia doesn't wear earrings, Clone!Sophia does.  Of course, that'll change once Sophia is a playable, but at the moment, that's the way to tell.

I really should hide away a cow's head somewhere on this lot.

The VPLs.

Living there this rotation was Bethany of course:

Mini-Anne  Julia:

And Susannah, who I don't appear to have a good picture of.  Anyway, this is her with her future husband, my Mr Big.   Given the fact that her mother is an ex-slob, her marrying Mr Big made me grin.

There were quite a few visitors to the house this rotation:

Bethany really lives up to her Pleasure secondary and I love watching her jump in puddles.  It proves that there is part of her that just hasn't grown up.

I rather love Julia and the faces she pulls:

Sibling love:

Yeah, this lot does have a cow's head in it, although I never saw one of the girls pull out the gun.  The cow always ran off the lot before it got to that point.

So this young man with Julia is Gavin Newson, her intended.  I know that I've shown pictures of the two of them as teens in the past, but I wasn't sure if I was going to hook them up once she went to finishing school.  However, she never rolled a want for anyone but him, so I had to speed play his house to grow him up.

It was, erm interesting.

Very, very interesting.

Never turn your back on Bethany in the summer:

Love her so much <33333

The rotation in teh VPLs ended with both Julia and Susannah graduating.  Julia's choice of outfit was ... interesting.

It doesn't quite match the fantastical standard of Cait's Edith's outfit, but I can imagine the raised eyebrows and dropped jaws if she walked down the street in Regalton wearing it.

Susannah's outfit was much more demure, but still not suitable.

Prince William Halls.

Onto the last house in this bit of picspam.  I have so many from the Legacy Society, it's getting its own post you see.  The very first order of business, (before even making over Derri), was sending the boys to live over at the Legacy Society.

My heir is very handsome, even if I do say so myself.

So is Derri.  I think that this is his official portrait which will be used for the Who's Who.

Derri was actually a very conscientious student, and didn't mind having to write his assignments.

What he did mind, as did I, was the fact that other students kept sleeping in his bed.

I had him lock his door, but still found students sleeping in his bed.

It's not all hard work though:

I have quite a few tub pirates at the moment.  :D

Ok, I have to say that I LOVE the studies in the Halls.  They just look so warm and cosy.

I think that the Halls is currently occupied by slobs.  I wonder if this is because the sink is in a different room, but I've not seen a dormie clear up a plate for ages.  Derri is the only one who does.

Derri doesn't like this sim very much at all.

Probably because he's the number one culprit when it comes to sleeping in his bed.

Aaaand that's it for this part.  Sorry for not being very eloquent, but I'm itching to get back to playing now and wanted to get this posted.  I hope you liked it though, and I'll be back with the final part soon.  :D

import: derrial, import: ezra, character: albert, character: spares, character: sophia, legacy: gen 5, picspam: vpls, picspam: nosferatu, story: victorian legacy, couple: ezrany, picspam: spares, character: bethany, picspam: halls, legacy: gen 4, picspam: simbridge, picspam: smith

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