I'm in the mood to ramble at the moment, some of it will be about sims, some of it won't. In fact lets start with a rant not related to sims in any way, shape or form.
I've had a pretty average week all told, but it did get off to a spectacular start thanks to a stupid cow of a driver.
I work in Hertford and part of my journey involves driving down St Andrew Street. It's a lovely street with the newest buildings dating from the 1800s, but a few are medieval. There are traffic lights at one end, where it comes to a junction with Old Cross and Mill Bridge, and every morning I sit there waiting for the lights to change. There are a couple of 'keep clear' signs on the road the nearer you get to the lights to stop traffic getting completely grid locked if someone wants to turn into the drives that lead behind the shops.
Monday morning I was stopped behind one of these keep clears that is opposite the entrance to a car park on the right hand side of the road. As I'm sitting there, I'm aware of this Ford Ka that has come up the righthand side of me on the wrong side of the road. It's not unusual for drivers to drive down the queue of traffic if they want to turn into the car park, so I didn't think much of it, expecting her to turn in once the oncoming trafffic had cleared (which had slight difficulty getting past, since she was on their side of the road). She didn't, in fact she started edging forward. By this time I'm thinking, "you ain't gonna make the turn if you continue forward. You had better not be doing what I think you're doing." She continued edging forwards. As the lights changed to amber, she stuck her left hand indicator on, now I KNOW she is going to do what I think she's doing. The lights go green and she cuts me up and pulls in front of me. The cow has driven down a queue of traffic stopped at a red traffic light, on the wrong side of the road, and cut into the queue when the lights changed. I was steaming, in fact I didn't call her a cow, I called her another name beginning with 'c' that I very rarely use. GRRR! Luckily by the time I had got into the office I was more amazed that she had had the balls to do it and was laughing about it, otherwise I would have been in a really foul mood all day.
Now I've got that off my chest, let's talk sims.
I've got 60 odd slides of day 3 of the BC written, so I'm well on course for getting it uploaded this weekend barring nothing unexpected happening or the exchange going down. I am out all tomorrow evening, so I might not get it all done before Sunday, but it will be there.
Since I'm nearing the halfway point I'm thinking of posting some out takes and some original footage from the scenes I had to re-shoot. I've not got that many out takes really, I think because I'm just going through and documenting what happened.
Legacy wise, I think that the last two years of the boys at uni will definitely be split in two. I have 400 pictures already and I've only shot half of what I need for their third year. There will be two major storylines happening and I want to be able to do them justice.
Because what I am doing there is so plotty, I've not felt like trying to do it whilst sorting and writing the BC in the evenings, so I've been doing some building instead. I had a slight panic last week when I realised that I needed to build homes for a few sims who will be graduating before the boys. So I'm trying out some of AL's new building features. I'm currently building a short terrace of expensive townhouses and it's exhausting. I've decided I'm not going to furnish the house my playables will live in because I really don't want to have to furnish it again when they move in. Their neighbours will be getting basic furnishings, no more.
I'm also doing something I've wanted to do for a long time. One of the essays I wrote during my final year at uni was on how the changing structure of British society during the Victorian era affected the development of the British sea-side resorts. I got a very high mark for it, and enjoyed researching it immensely. Sooo I know quite a bit about the British sea-side during the 19th century and I've always wanted to build one for my sims to enjoy.
When I rebuilt I gave them Twikii Island because it was easy, but I wanted Will to buy a cottage by the sea as a wedding gift to Edward and I couldn't see the sort of cottage I wanted to build fitting in with the tropical Twikii Island. I decided now was the perfect time to start building Simmouth.
So far I've built the cottage and stuck in a couple of downloaded lots I need to tweak for the theatre and botanical gardens. I've also made a good start on the pier and I'm rather pleased with it. The roof of the building at the entrance needs a bit of work I think, but overall it looks pretty good.
I'm actually really looking forward to seeing the waves lap the shore under the pier.
I've got ideas for quite a few more lots and I'm going to attempt to build bathing machines at the bathing beach, so that will be fun. i think that I will probably get the basics in and then add to it as and when I feel like it.
That's a lot of words so I'm going to sign off now.
Aaaand my spellcheck has stopped working so this will be full of spelling mistakes since I have real trouble proof reading on a computer screen and rely on the red squiggles to tell me where I need to pay attention.