Silly sims

May 03, 2009 22:05

I've not really had chance to play the last week, but today, once I'd finished doing some boring RL bits, I decided to fire up the game and see if I can get at least one of the weddings I need for the next chapter played and shot.  Simple right?

Err, no.  My sims had other ideas.

First up...

Stanley I swear to God that if this back rub had of resulted in floating hearts, I would have bloody well smited you, whether I am meant to have those powers or not.


"You forgot to change my formalwear!"

Damn, yes I did.

A quick x-ing out of the marriage interaction, making Doc selectable and changing her formalwear later, and I was ready to go again.

Only no one seemed to care.  *sigh*  A lot of making selectable and x-ing out actions ensued.

I am so going to have to download one of the hacks that stop the M&G sun interactions.  Sims bask in the sun even when doing something else making them appear to be posessed.

Of course some other sims had better things to do than watch the ceremony.

"Can't see, Papa's in the way."

"Yes, but he's nummy when he is blocking your view."


Ouch, poor Stuart (yes he is now a child) and Andrew managed to impale themselves on the chairs

Aaaand Carmen found that nothing was blocking her way.

Once inside Peter sought out Stanley.

This is very common, all the kids adore Stanley and seek him out to speak to.  I dread to think what he talks to them about.

Oh and while Peter was talking to Stanley, I noticed something:

I had an invisible piano player.  A search of the house revealed that everyone was accounted for, so I have no idea what this was about.

Stanley was happy to take the money though.

If you remember a while back I posted how Stanley wasn't happy about how Louisa and Cyd were romantically invloved.  Well, neither is Rosie.

She was fine at the ceremony, but as soon as she saw this, well all hell broke loose.

Four times I caught her doing this, before I managed to get Louisa there to say goodbye to Rosie.  I really am going to have to go through her memories and friends and see if I can find out what this is about.

Mind you, when I saw Cyd do this, I wondered if a certain simself would have a go at him.

Speak of the devil.

Yup these two are still incredibly stalkery.

Well that's it for now.  Louisa and Cyd are married and she is pregnant already.  I have 3 more weddings to get through before I'm in the main house to get the last few bits I need for the chapter there.  IOh and I have to shoot a few things on a couple more lots, but I am getting there, honest.

legacy: gen 5, character: stanley, character: theodore, story: victorian legacy, character: carmen, character: edward, character: rosemary, picspam: simdon, character: louisa, legacy: gen 4, picspam: roseland

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