It's a bit late I know, but Happy New Year everyone. I hope things are going well for you so far this year.
I've been pretty busy with my game so I thought I'd share what I've been doing, and of course that means picspam.
First thing I've been doing is playing the main house through their rotation. I've still got about half a day to play, including Bertie's birthday and most of what I have been shooting is pretty plotty, but I do have a few pictures to share with you.
How good is that? Ok so normally I hate it when pregnant sims pass out in their food, but this is Marielle we're talking about here. Hehe.
How she doesn't love this man I don't know:
Gratuitous shot is gratuitous.
The Legacys now have a dog. I'm slightly disappointed in her colouring since her sister has lovely dark brown markings on her face, and Sally is pure white. Mind you given the fact that her mother is Lulu the black lab that's pretty cool. Here are some very sweet pictures of Bertie and Sally:
It's funny, but I swear that Theo knows exactly where the camera is all the time.
I did have to pop into Theo's house for a bit. I tried to go into it to do something only to find the lot kept crashing before it finished loading. I had to move them out, bulldoze it and move them into a new version of it. That meant I've lost the portraits so I had to resurrect Thomas and get his portrait painted before killing him again. I've still got a few portraits to get painted, but I did have a laugh whilst I was there. I've installed some replacements for all the car pools, and it looks like Frederick now goes to work in an Egyptian war chariot:
I especially love the fact that the driver is in a Victorian riding habit.
I've also been shooting a pub scene, which means I have some pictures of the boys to share:
"You really shouldn't be in a pub alone Alexandra."
"Poppycock, I'll do what I want."
Eddie became the first sim I've had to defeat the Unsavoury Charletan. I love this guy.
Cherryh liked the piano. I've put in new alien eye defaults and I think they look lovely.
The second thing I've been doing is making a start on Simdon. I did make a start earlier using the downtown I already had, just moving things around and changing the existing buildings, but I really wasn't happy with it, so I did an experiment in my AGS to make sure that putting in a new downtown didn't cause the game to create lots of extra downtownies, and I've created a template of my own in SC4 and started building.
This is what I've got done so far:
These are all community lots. That's the Natural History Museum at the top I downloaded from MTS2 Then there are some shops, an office building, a restaurant, and a club. Finally that's the Diagon Alley lot from MTS2. I loved how it looked in the last Sim Spade so decided that it would be nice to have it in the neighbourhood to shoot on if needed.
Only one lot of shops is completely finished, a dress shop, shoe shop and milleners:
The actual clothing racks and fitting rooms are behind the door.
This is the rich area of the city where Alexandra and Anthony will live. That's a clone of their current house/apartment I've just tweaked a few things to make it play better and look better. The other smaller houses are where Evie will be moving to.
And this is where the slums will be I didn't build any of these lots, they're from MTS2:
There will be other areas of housing for the middle classes, but I've not started blocking them out yet.
The last thing I've been doing is writing and shooting Joe's Punishment. I'm writing the final part at the moment, but I've been creating new sims for it. I went a bit overboard with the seating in the arena, so I needed a few more you see. I will have a huge out-takes post once it's done, because it has been a blast to shoot, but for the meanwhile here's some picspam from it which isn't too spoilery:
One of the things I'm thinking about doing is getting rid of the shiny custom skins and heavily shaded eyes some simselves have, so I've taken the opportunity to see what Timothy will look like in game once I've made my changes.
Here's Timothy as he is in the legacy:
This is what he looks like in Punishment:
Personally I think that it is an improvement..
Since two of the sims I added were Bee and Becca, I teleported over Indy and Di so I could set them all as family. Indy tried to steal the gnome, but was defeated by the wall and the pretty brunette.
Yeah I think she'e very pretty. No I'm not telling you her name: I'm sure you can all work it out.
I've modernised quite a few of my Victorians for the finale:
So that's what I've been doing in my game. I've still got lots I want to get done, but I am making progress.
Last thing I want to say is thank you to the person who made the Marielle secret. I did make me smile, and I promise she will be made to suffer at some point, just not yet.