Rebuild update

May 07, 2012 17:08

Time for another rebuild update.

  • Finish the rotation: 
    • Finish playing the halls.
    • Play the Legacy Society.
  • Back up N004.
  • Put down the stay put shrub in the VPLs.
  • Move out the girls of the VPLs.
  • Package up the lot.
  • Install the lot as a clean lot in a rubbish hood and make sure I can get into it.
  • Repeat for the LS.
  • If I can’t get into either lot, then I need to install an earlier version and paint new portraits.
  • Add the VPLs and LS to N002 and N003.
  • Back up N002 and N003.
  • Make a list of stats and skills for the main sims.
  • Add my simself to N002.
  • Add the new townies a section at a time.
    • Random Townies (19)
    • Downtownies: (19)
    • Holiday locals:
      • Simmouth: (10)
      • Takemizu: (10)
      • Highlands (10)
    • Tourists: (16)
    • AL townies:
      • Bohemians (slummy): (10)
      • Techies (clean steampunk): (5)
      • Gearheads (dirty steampunk) (5)
      • Socialites (posh) (5)
      • Jock (sporty) (5)
    • Dormies: (25)
  • Check what hacks I need in to make the BV tourists and locals function properly.  I know I also need to make sure I have the hack in that allows for fewer tourists than the game is expecting.
  • Generate and change the clothing on the NPCs.
  • Once all townies are in back up N002.
  • Repeat for N003.
  • Add my sims to N002.
  • Fix stats, skills, relationships etc.
  • Paint any new portraits.
  • Take pictures to use in making cc portraits.
  • Make cc portraits.
  • Fix ages and get the seasons to where they need to be to start the next rotation.
  • Back up N002.
  • Throw big party because it will be DONE!!!!!!

As you can see, it's going well.  All the townies that I've made are in, and I'm generating the npcs and changing their clothing.  I've found using the townie maker to generate townies works up to a point.  It's allowed me to generate only male police and firemen, but it's started giving me the same sims, so I'm going to have to go places or call services to generate those sims I think.  I also need to make a few more to be the iconic hobby leaders, but that shouldn't take too long.  The thing that's going to take longest to tell the truth, is changing the clothing of all the professors.  But yes, good progress is being made.

I'm now taking a bit of a break and playing TS3 for t bit.  I'd forgotten how buggy and annoying it is (another member of the family got glitched in a wall and is now missing from the family completely, yay!), but it's nice to be able to sim and not think "I should be doing this, and that needs fixing, etc etc."  I have to say that the things EA added with the latest patch, to support Showtime are some of the most annoying things ever.  I don't want to post to my wall about the game thanks.  I have an LJ if I feel like sharing something.  It's much nicer and more interconnected.  And, the best part is, that I don't have to have it open all the time if I don't want to.  That silly little thing in the right hand corner of the screen is very off putting.

Anyway, I will post a few pictures of my shiny new townies once I'm done with the npcs, but until then, ttyl.

creation: rebuild

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