Adapt a meme Thanksgiving edition

Nov 25, 2009 03:47

Over in facebook land some,of my friends are doing a meme where they say something that they are thankful for each day in November, being my usual day late dollar short I have missed out on that meme, but I think I am going to adapt it to 30 things I am thankful for and since it's here in LJ I can expound upon them in ways facebook won't let me. Yay!

1. My relationship with God.
I have said for decades, religion is for crap,it's about relationship. My relationship with God is my strength, the source of my joy, my peace, and my hope. "Every good and perfect gift is from above..."

2. My mom.
I have been so incredibly blessed with a mom whom I not only love, but I really like. It has been so neat as I get older to see how the friendship aspect of our relationship has grown. I have an added bonus since we work in the same field and she respects me and my opinion as a colleague as well.

3 . My Relationship with David.
David is more than just what I wanted in a relationship, he's what I didn't even know I needed.He is my friend and cohort, he knows how to play with me, how to encourage me, He holds me to a higher standard, for which I am grateful. His sweet and understanding heart and appreciation and tolerance for me, is a blessing and delight.

4. My darling friends.
"I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends." - Walt Whitman I have been blessed with the most amazing, giving, sweet and in general wonderful friends. To find true friends in this world is special and amazing, to have so many of them is an embarrassment of riches.

5.My extended family.
I really like pretty much all of them, and that's saying a lot considering my mom has 7 sisters and my Dad is one of ten kids, not to mention my step family as well as the assorted adopted family and friend family I have. I even really like David's family both nuclear and extended. How lucky is that?

6.The internet.
So much of my socializing and forms of staying in touch are through the internet, as well as the answer to almost any question I can think of (a fact which thrills my little reference librarian soul) It is amazing and beautiful. I love it.

7.Indoor plumbing.
A convenience and a blessing we take for granted far too often.

8. Clean water.
There are still so many places in the world where the water isn't safe to drink, and there isn't enough of it.

9. Enough (and more than enough) to eat.
Even in this country that isn't always the case. I have rarely had to go hungry for anything other than personal choice.

10. My Books.
I have a lovely little collection and it makes me happy and relaxed just to look at them.

11. Music
I love music and listen to a little bit of everything, and I am so grateful to have had the kind of upbringing and surroundings that have introduced me to so much amazing music.

12. Knowing what I want to do.
So many people spend so much of their lives not knowing what they want to do when they grow up, I have been the opposite. Not only have I know what I wanted to do most of the time I have been doing it. It's nice and I won't take it for granted.

The library her in Beaverton isn't as awesome as Oak Harbor's, but in general the fact the we have such an amazing and free resource in this country is something to be truly grateful for.

14. That I have a strong and relatively healthy body.
I have close friends who are quite sick, I need to remember how blessed I am.

15. The Bible
To me it is such a source of comfort, hope, and wisdom. I love how it remains relevant and timeless in my life, I want to continue learning how to love and learn from it.

16. Green and Chai Tea.
Mmmmmmmmmmm...what more is there to say?

17. My gym.
I don't use it as much as I should, but it's there and I can go there any time I want. I like that, and it gives me the power to change, now to work on the will to change! : )

18. My church.
I love my church and their commitment to reach out to the community around them and show God's love without agenda.

19.My computer.
I have a laptop that was a gift from David on my birthday, It is lovely and does *exactly* what I need it to do with no complaints or hassles. I lovey it, and because I have so often had to be without a machine of my own I *really* appreciate it.

' cause they're pretty, yeah?

21. My Car.
Because it is necessary, mostly I am thankful that it works.

22. My Bike.
Because it is lovely and gorgeous and fun, and lets me play with my boyfriend.

23. Airplanes.
So I can visit all my far flung family and friends and have adventures.

Nothing I like better than going to the drive-in, theatre, sitting on my couch and relaxing with a good movie.

25.Alton Brown
Because he's both fun and educational, and with his science-y food he has gotten my boyfriend remotely interested in something beside subsistence cooking.

26.A warm coat I like.
Because for *way* too many years I had to live without one.

27. Swim suits
Because they are awesome and keep me decent when I swim/mood alter with water.

28. Pie
Because everything is better with Pie! ( I would make the next one Pi and make the same joke, but that would make me a fraud since I am not cool enough to be a math nerd)

29.My apartment
It's not just a roof over my head, it's my refuge. I can't tell you how nice it is to have my own space with all my stuff out. This is the first time I have been completely unpacked in almost 7 years. It's *very* nice.

30. The things I am most thankful for are God's grace and mercy.
I had a pastor once explain that mercy was not getting what you deserved, and grace was getting what you *didn't* deserved. I think that sums it up nicely.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

thanksgiving, meme, gratitude

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