So I am basically going to abuse this page to satisfy my own, and possibly others Arashi and Ohmiya needs. I am myself a fan of three years. Which translates to "I have been a perpetual state of sexual frustration sense February 2008". I should warn you at this point, this is a place of innappropriate crack and innocencs raping.
Anyway, I'm probably a fan borderlining the unhealthy, or pathethic depending on your ability to sympathize. I am also one of those fans who think there is approximately a 90% chance that Ohno and Nino are in an intimate, symbiotic, deep and satisfying relationship. Roughly translated to. They are doing each other. I repeat they are DOING each other. Not only on in the traditional way, no no
they are doing it with a goat.
and they are doing it on a boat
they are doing it the rain.
and they are doing it on a train.
they are doing it in the dark!
and they are doing it in a car!
they are doing it in a box.
and they are doing it with a fox.
they are doing it in a house.
and they are doing it with a mouse.
They are doing it here and there
They are doing it EVERYWHERE
(Sorry, the outcome of using Dr. Seuss to exaggerate my point was to make Ohno and Nino sound like they practise bestiality. So as a disclamer, I am now telling you that as far as i know there is no proof that Ohno and Nino are having sexual conduct with goats.)
They might have furry leanings though...
Yeah, that´s Ohno´s hand on Nino´s sugar plums fairy
To get off the slightly taboo topic of gay sex with animals, I´d like to tell you that I am irregularly (I sound like a commercial for Laxatives) going to be posting (mostly) whole concert fancams from 2004 and up to 2010. But as I stated earlier, I am also just going to use this journal as a dumping ground for my general Arashi flailyness and Ohmiya asphyxiation.
So without further ado, a link to a con report done in accordance to the Arashi ONE tour.The report was televised 2005.08.21. Sadly not a concert fancam recording, but your time will come my honeyplums. Ps: This is an Ohmiya vid to an extreme extent in terms of bodylanguage. I mean, Nino is as discrete as a fat kid at dance recital (it´s ok, I can make that joke, I was one of those kids).