I should find a user picture.

Apr 13, 2004 11:40

It's good to have friends to call up late at night to talk. I texted Randy and he called me right back because I needed to vent. I know a lot of people don't want to hear my crying and questions about the ex situation but he listened and made me laugh and gave me good advice + he didn't allow me to mope and cry over it. Not a lot of people I know are willing to just listen to me and tell me to shut the fuck up and also give me caring advice. I love that.

He told me that I'm a giver by nature and most people are takers by nature. The more I think about that, the more I realize it's true. I am a fucking giver and that's why I always end up hurt and the takers just keep taking.

Well I'll never be a taker, it's just not me. I like to give and make people feel good and most of the time I get taken advantage of but I guess that's life. I don't know, all I know is I felt better having someone else listen to me without feeling guilty about them not wanting to hear about it. Hey isn't that called a therapist? Haha.

I thought about going and talking to one but then I thought "how lame are you? needing a therapist to get over a GUY. come on!!!" but it's more than that. I don't know... with the downfall of that relationship came an onslaught of different emotions and it's only magnified how shitty I was feeling but I guess I always ignored it. It's worth looking into I think.

Coffee this morning @ Peet's was grand. I usually don't drink coffee that much unless it's all frapped and stuff but that was great. I woke up at 7:45 (haha thanks to some beeping) then I went back to sleep until 8:25 then woke up, got ready and left. Here I am in yoga pants getting ready to work out. How fun. How random was this entry? :\
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