Feb 19, 2004 16:53
as most of you know it was ranning yesterday ...alot! well today it was pretty wet and "slippery" me and my "jap" friend julie were walking to 2nd period after talking to our freinds met,tony,dustin and peter...and after we were done talking the bell rang so we were running to class and we have to walk down these one steep stairs and on my way down i slipped!!! and i almost fell to my death but at that second***julie saved me*** praise the lord for jap's lol i love her and i also talked to someone i wanted to talk to for like 2 fuking years! lol anddddddd......i had the best animal frossted kookies! lol !!!! OH AND I FINALLY GOTS MY CELLUAR PHONE TO WORK YAHAYAY SO EVERYONE CALL ME NOW!!! MY NUMBER IS...458-****...LOL =)