Summary: After Minato lawfully adopts Sasuke as his true son, he wants to make more efforts to bond with him before he leaves out of town by doing a Disney-style movie night at his condo. ♥ Things take an interesting turn when Minato adopts Neji as his foster son, too! So he invites Neji and Rock Lee over to watch Finding Nemo together
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And then Minato was guiding Neji inside and talking about food and really, that was for the best, because it meant Lee didn't have to make any grandiose declarations to a man he'd just met about how his intentions toward his son were Perfectly Honorable, nevermind the fact that they were living together and Neji's apartment only had one bed.
Lee lowered his Fist of Resolution (made in preparation for the Speech, of course), and looked bemused for a moment, then good-naturedly toed off his shoes and followed the others inside.
"Water would be wonderful, sir!" Lee replied.
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