I suck.
How much do I suck?
I maintain that Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was okay, that Kate Capshaw was alright, and that Short Round was the best sidekick ever. I lose at life because I do not fully understand the intimate relationship that a movie's coolness shares with the existence of Nazis to fight in the name of truth, justice, and the American way.
_yggdrasil got a hold of me and we decided that we needed to see Superman Returns today. Now since she showed up a wee bit early at my
new apartment, we hung out beforehand, when the topic of Indiana Jones came up (and we decided that Nazis are the best villans ever, because they are so one dimensional). I admitted that Temple of Doom was the worst of the three, but I still say that its an Indiana Jones movie, and that Short Round kicks ass. "No time for love Dr. Jones!" I still stand by that.
It seems that while we were talking about this, she found her way onto my still-logged in lj account, and decided to update for me.
Thanks a lot!